Portman Online User Guide
Q What is the number of the Livewire Help Desk A This number will be displayed on the login page of your site or at the top of every page. Q What do I do if I have forgotten my password? A From the sign on the page you can click on the Forgot Your Password area. The system will then ask you for your username, first name and surname and when you click on change, an e-mail will be sent to you with a new password. Q How do I amend my password? A Access the My User Profile, then select Change your System Access, you will be asked to enter your old password once and your new password twice. Q Does it matter what product I book first? A We would recommend booking air initially and adding on additional products.
Q I booked a Lowcost/Internet Based Carrier flight but can’t see details? A You may have made this booking direct with the web carrier OR if the outbound journey has already taken place then the return details may not be displayed on the Travel Arrangers Dashboard. Q How do I play for a Low Cost Carrier/ Internet Based flight? A You must have a valid credit card. Dependant on your company set up there may be a card stored within your online system. Q How do I select the person that I wish to book for? A Once you select the element of travel you wish to book, click on Select Travellers. Click on the drop down list to choose the location if applicable. You will be presented with either a drop down list or a box where you must type in the traveller’s surname and then the drop down list will appear. Highlight the name to select the traveller. Once the name is in the box, click on Replace Selection. The name will be stored and you can now click on start booking at the bottom of the screen. Notice that the traveller’s name now appears in the heading at the top of the screen.
Q Can I book to fly into one place and out of another? A When entering your search criteria the system will default to the same return route, however you can over type this to enable a booking to be made GLA-LHR-EDI Q Can I pay with more than one credit card? A Multiple credit cards of multiple forms of payment are not accepted. Q The traveller I wish to book for does not appear? A First Check the other locations to make sure they traveller is not stored elsewhere. If not, you need to build a new profile. Key personnel within your company will access to do this if you are unable to add the traveller yourself. Q How do I build a new profile? A Firstly check to make sure you are authorised to do so. From the Personal Portal page, click on Administration of User Profiles and then Create New User. Complete the fields and click on Create User Profile. Fields marked with an * are mandatory. Q How do I access my own profile? A From the Personal Portal page, click on My User Profile.
Q How do I access a traveller’s profile? A First check you are authorised to do so. From the personal Portal page, click on Administration of User Profiles and Edit User Data. Complete one of the fields e.g. traveller’s last name and click on Find. Then click on edit to display the Edit User Data screen. Q Can I add a Frequent Traveller membership number to a travellers profile? A From the Edit User Data screen (as above), click on Frequent Traveller Memberships and Frequent Traveller Numbers for Airlines. Complete the fields and click on Save. Q Which fares are company corporate rates? A Company corporate rates will have YOUR company logo displayed alongside. Q I booked a Low cost/Internet Based carrier but the price differs? A Many suppliers have a credit card charge which may be applicable to your booking. This varies dependant on the airline.
Q What is acceptable photo ID? A Photo ID is generally required fro travelling with ticketless airlines such as web carriers and for all international journeys. Some ID is also required when collecting E tickets but credit cards or frequent traveller cards are usually accepted In most instances. Conditions can vary from airline to airline. When booking a web carrier the individual web site will expand on what they require. For international journeys involving UK citizens a valid passport is the only acceptable ID. We recommend a valid passport as the best ID for domestic journeys. Q How do I know my reservation is confirmed? A Once you make a booking a confirmation screen will appear and can be printed out. In addition, you will receive an e-mail confirmation of the booking details. Depending on your system set your traveller can also receive e-mail confirmation. Q Can I add more passengers to an existing booking? A It is not possible to add additional passengers to an existing itinerary. You should make a new booking or use the copy facility to emulate an existing booking.
Q Can I amend bookings online? A Yes. You can amend bookings online with the following exceptions: Hotel bookings, Low cost/ internet based carrier bookings and bookings where travel has already commenced. If you are required to cancel a booking for one passenger where the initial booking was made for multiple passengers please contact the Helpdesk. Q Can I change the name on my reservation? A Please contact the Helpdesk to enquire about name changes as some low cost/internet based carriers and hotels may allow this. Please be advised that this is not possible with scheduled airlines. Q Can I amend corporate booking online? A No. You should phone the Helpdesk for this type of amendment Q What documentation do I need to pick up my car? A Your Livewire confirmation and valid – clean- driving license.
Q Are there age restrictions when hiring a car? A Yes. In the UK the minimum age is usually 23 and additional charges are likely to apply if you are under 25. Different restrictions apply abroad. Q Can I accumulate frequent flyer miles/points? A Yes if your card details are already lodged in the online system. Q How do I find out my e-ticket number? A If you access www.viewtrip.com once the booking has been confirmed you can view your ticket number, alternatively this information can be found in your Portman Trip Planner. Q Can I book 2 rooms for different passengers at the same time? A No however you can use the copy facility to book the second or subsequent rooms.
For any assistance please contact the Online Helpdesk on your dedicated number