AIA Presentation SDO Mission PDR Alan Title Principal Investigator Lockheed Martin James Lemen Instrument Scientist Lockheed Martin Gary Kushner Deputy Program Manager Lockheed Martin
AIA Presentation Agenda Science Investigation Overview Title 5 min Program Overview Title 5 min Driving Requirements (Instrument & S/C) Lemen 10 min Instrument Design & Status Lemen 10 min Reviews to Date and Planned in Near Term Kushner 5 min Risks and Issues Kushner 5 min Schedule, Future Activities, and Conclusions Kushner 5 min
AIA is a key component to understanding the Sun and how it drives space weather AIA images the solar outer atmosphere; its science domain is shaded HMI measures the surface magnetic fields and the flows that distribute it EVE provides the variation of the spectral irradiance in the (E)UV
Overview of the AIA science investigation Produce and deliver an instrument that provides new views of the solar corona Obtain continuous observations of the entire solar corona visible in the EUV Evaluate the observations to identify processes and discover phenomena Analyze the observations with the aim of understanding space weather drivers Infer the coupling mechanisms between various physical domains Archive the data in an unrestricted web-accessible, easily-queried environment Provide search tools and metadata to allow efficient retrieval of data by users Provide access to the data archive and various summary structures Deliver requested data and calibration techniques to interested users Involve and stimulate all branches of the LWS research community Accommodate space-weather community needs in product definition
AIA Scientific Objectives • Energy Input, Storage and Release in the Outer Solar Atmosphere The Dynamics of the 3 - D Corona Coronal Heating and Irradiance The Thermal Structure and Heating Locations Transients The Sources of High Energy Radiation and Particles Connections to Geospace The Particle and Magnetic Field Output of the Sun Coronal Seismology A New Diagnostic of Coronal Physics A Multi Thermal Image showing AIA resolution and FOV A flare showing rapid oscillations in the surrounding loops. QuickTime™ and a DV - NTSC decompressor are needed to see this picture.
AIA Level 1 Performance Requirements FULL SUCCESS Performance Requirements The AIA shall obtain full-disk images of the solar atmosphere with a field of view of at least 40 arc-minutes in at least eight wavelengths spanning the temperature range from 20,000 to 3 million Kelvin (K) with at least 1.2 arc-seconds resolution (two pixels) and a cadence of no less than one set of eight images every 10 seconds. MINIMUM SUCCESS Performance Requirements The AIA shall obtain full-disk images of the solar atmosphere with a field of view of at least 40 arc-minutes in one chromospheric wavelength and three coronal wavelengths spanning the temperature range from 20,000 to 3 million Kelvin (K) with at least 1.2 arc-seconds resolution (two pixels) and a cadence of no less than one set of four images every 10 seconds
Program Overview & Future AIA Program began on 7 November 2003 Quickly confirmed original approaches: science, instrument, and organizations Augmented HMI team to form LMSAL AIA & HMI & Joint teams Got program off and rolling at SAO – major partner/subcontractor and time critical Interface Working Meetings with Project took place immediately November, January, February No problems with accommodating AIA onto the S/C; just needs routine work Conducted PDR-1 on 4 March Requirements, early design, S/C interfaces and accommodations Participating in Mission PDR this week Will conduct PDR-2 in a month (14-15 April) Preliminary Design classical review Program moving rapidly and successfully Enormous leverage from HMI Extensive heritage from TRACE Excellent established working relationships with SDO GSFC Project AIA WILL BE IN-STEP WITH ALL OF SDO BY CONFIRMATION REVIEW
LMSAL Combined HMI/AIA Organization James Lemen AIA Inst. Scientist Alan Title AIA Principal Investigator & HMI-LMSAL Lead Phil Scherrer HMI Principal Investigator Stanford University Karel Schrijver AIA Science Lead Jake Wolfson Technical Advisor Frank Friedlaender Resource Manager Edward McFeaters Mission Assurance Larry Springer Program Manager Rock Bush HMI Program Manager Brock Carpenter System Engineering Ruth Mix Configuration Mgmt. Gary Kushner Wolfson (A) AIA Deputy PM Barbara Fischer HMI Deputy PM SAO Subsystems – Golub System Engr. – Carpenter Optics – Wülser Mechanical – Chou Thermal – Yanari Integ. & Test – Levay Guide Telescope – Wülser System Engr. – Miles / Carpenter (A) Optics – Rairden Mechanical – Gradwohl Thermal – Navarro Integ. & Test – Levay Drake Software Akin Mechanisms Lindgren Electronics Duncan CCDs Thomas Camera Electronics HMI & AIA SOC Ops
LMSAL SDO Organizational Features Single LMSAL SDO Program Manager Co-ordinates efforts of AIA and HMI Co-ordinates with Lead Engineers for common program elements AIA builds on the HMI systems already in place Electronics and software are the prime instrumental examples Mission Assurance & Risk Management functions are the prime programmatic examples. Single LMSAL SDO “Boss” Alan Title is both the LMSAL Lead on HMI and the PI of AIA Dedicated Deputy Program Mangers for AIA and HMI Strong advocates of their programs Treat the common elements groups almost like vendors Dedicated Systems Engineers for AIA and HMI Much of the AIA efforts for mission operations, data analysis, and EPO will be conducted by Stanford University as an extension to those efforts already in place for HMI. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory has a major role in the AIA program.
Driving Requirements Instrument Design and Status James Lemen Instrument Scientist 650.354.5378
AIA Requirements Flow Down AIA will address all 7 SDO science questions AIA makes 1 of 5 required SDO science measurements (atmospheric images) AIA will capture the initiation and progression of dynamic processes with necessary spatial resolution to infer connection to magnetic field and spectral coverage to infer the processes at multiple temperatures LWS Goals 7 Science Questions 5 Science Measurement Requirements 5 AIA Science Objectives Level 1 AIA Instrument Requirements Level 3 Mission Requirements (MRD) Level 2 Requirements
Flowdown to AIA Observing Reqs. The AIA instrument design and science investigation address all over-arching science questions (1…7) in the SDO Level-1 Requirements (August 2003) 1 2 3 What mechanisms drive the quasi-periodic 11-year cycle of solar activity? How is active region magnetic flux synthesized, concentrated & dispersed across the solar surface? How does magnetic reconnection on small scales reorganize the large-scale field topology and current systems? How significant is it in heating the corona and accelerating the solar wind? 4 5 6 7 Where do the observed variations in the Sun’s total & spectral irradiance arise, how do they relate to the magnetic activity cycle? What magnetic field configurations lead to CMEs, filament eruptions and flares which produce energetic particles and radiation? Can the structure & dynamics of the solar wind near Earth be determined from the magnetic field configuration & atmospheric structure near the solar surface? When will activity occur and is it possible to make accurate and reliable forecasts of space weather and climate? Requirement Spatial Temporal Thermal Intensity Field of View x= 1Mm t continuity logT T coverage Accu-racy Dynamic Range Science theme 1) Energy Input Storage & Release 1 4 2 5 3 6 Full Corona ~10 s Full Disk passage ~0.3 0.7-8 MK (full corona) - Large for simul-taneous obs. of faint & bright structures 40’-46’ Dynamic Coronal Structure 7 2) Coronal Heating & Irradiance 4 2 3 7 Active Regions <1 min, a few sec in flares Days 0.3 for DEM inv. 0.7-20 MK (full corona) 10% >1000 Thermal Structure & Emission 3) Transients 4 2 5 3 7 Majority of Disk A few sec in flares At least days for buildup ~0.3 for T<5MK, ~0.6 for T>5MK 5000 K - 20 MK - >1000 in quiescent channels Sources of Radiation & Energetic Particles 4) Connections to Geospace 4 5 6 7 Full Disk +off-limb ~10 s Continuous observing ~0.3 5000 K - 20 MK 10% for thermal struct. Large to study high coronal field Material & Magnetic Field Output of the Sun 4 3 As short as possible Continuous for discovery ~0.5 to limit LOS confusion multi-T obs. for thermal evolution 10% for density 5) Coronal Seismology Active Regions >10 Access to new physics
Key AIA System Requirements Level 1 and Level 2 Requirements Result in Key AIA System Requirements Field of View (FOV) and Pixel Size 41 arcmin/0.6arcsec Spatial Resolution 1.2 arcsec2 Temperature Coverage 20K to 20M Cadence 8 images in 10s Dynamic Range 13-bit adc; image signal >1,000 Guide Telescope NEA = 1 arcsec; 10Hz update Level 3 Requirements Several Important Derived Requirements Flow from Level 3 Requirements Filters, coatings, detector performance Mechanisms and their performance Image Stabilization System Electronics and Software
Baseline Design AIA design meets the Level 1 and 2 Requirements Four ST’s - 8 Science Channels 7 EUV Channels in a sequence of Fe lines and He 304Å UV Channel with 1600Å, 1700Å, white light filters Active secondaries for image stabilization (ISS) Four GTs Four 4096 x 4096 thinned, back-llluminated CCD’s 2.3 sec readout of Full CCD Five mechanism types: Filter Wheel Shutter Focus mechanism Aperture door (one shot) Aperture selector (in one telescope) Flight electronics very similar to HMI On-board data compression is square root binning and RICE
AIA Telescope Array Mounted on IM Four nearly identical science telescopes Each ST has a dedicated guide telescope to support its ISS CEBs mount separately to the IM
AIA Telescope Assembly A GT is mounted to each Science Telescope CCD Radiator Guide Telescope (GT) Camera Electronics Box (CEB) Proposed Configuration CEB Radiator Science Telescope (ST) Aperture Door
AIA Science Telescope Optical Layout
Cross section: mechanism locations Level 3 requirements have been flowed down to all mechanisms Five mechanism types: all have design heritage Aperture Door Wavelength Selector Shutter Assembly Filterwheel Assembly Focus Motor
AIA Field of View Field of View: require observations to at least a pressure scale height (=0.1 Rsolar at Te=3 MK) AIA: 41 arcmin = 1.3 P 46 arcmin = 2.0 P (see dashed lines) AIA will observe 96% of X-ray radiance (based on Yohkoh) AIA will observe nearly all (~98%) emission that will be in EVE’s FOV Estimated X-ray radiance at 3 MK as observed by Yohkoh/SXT as function of limb height. Yohkoh/SXT 8 May 1992
Implementation of AIA FOV AIA will have 41 arcmin FOV along detector axes AIA will have 46 arcmin FOV along diagonal of detector Corners of the FOV are vignetted by the filterwheel filters Composite Trace Image 41 arcmin
Spatial Resolution Telescope response must be adequate over the entire FOV Criterion: spot size must fall within 1.2x1.2 arcsec2 e2v detector has 12 m pixel size (=0.6 arcsec) focal length (4.125 m) Two optical designs are being considered Ritchey-Crétien: minimizes coma – results in symmetric PSF across FOV Alternative: minimizes RMS spot size Candidate Optical Prescription Suncenter Solar Limb 2 Pixels Edge of Field SDO_0011 24.00 µm Each channel (half telescope) fits within 2×2 pixels
The Benefits of Resolution EIT TRACE vs. EIT, shown to same scale. AIA’s resolution is comparable to TRACE. TRACE From Deluca et al (AIA00407)
AIA Design for Temperature Coverage AIA implementation makes use of multilayer coatings on normal incidence optics with filtering to achieve desired wavelength and bandpass EUV wavelengths selected to observe corona at required temperatures Selected lines of iron to minimize abundance effects Four wavelengths have not been observed with TRACE or SOHO/EIT Channel Visible 1700Å 304Å 1600Å 171Å 193Å 211Å 335Å 94Å 133Å †† - 12.7 4.7 6.0 7.0 16.5 0.9 4.4 Ion(s) Continuum He II C IV+cont. Fe IX Fe XII, XXIV Fe XIV Fe XVI Fe XVIII Fe XX, XXIII Region of Atmosphere* Photosphere Temperature minimum, photosphere Chromosphere, transition region, Transition region + upper photosphere Quiet corona, upper transition region Corona and hot flare plasma Active-region corona Flaring regions Char. log(T) 3.7 5.0 5.8 6.1, 7.3 6.3 6.4 6.8 7.0, 7.2 AIA wavelength bands *Absorption allows imaging of chromospheric material within the corona; ††FWHM, in Å Fe XVIII 94 Å Fe XX/XXIII 133 Å 1600Å? Fe IX/X 171 Å Fe XII 195 Å Fe XIV 211 Å C IV 1550 Å He II 304 Å Fe XVI 335 Å
Selection of Non Coronal Lines UV channel will have three filters: White light, C IV 1550, UV Continuum White light used for ground calibration White light used for co-alignment with HMI and other ground-based instruments UV filters are similar to TRACE bandpasses Study waves and field going into the corona as well as particle beams and conducted thermal energy coming down He II 304A Observes the chromosphere Monitor filaments Key driver to chemistry of the Earth’s outermost atmospheric layers EIT 304A 14 Sept 1999 Example of a prominence observed by SOHO/EIT. The upper chromosphere has a temperature of 60,000 K.
AIA Temperature Coverage EUV Wavelength selection meets AIA science objectives Dots are SOHO/CDS + Yohkoh data. Black curve is the recovered DEM using simulated AIA responses. The responses of the AIA channels are shown normalized to recovered DEM.
DEM Reconstruction Tests Tests performed with simulated data – predicted AIA response functions show that multiple channels are necessary to constrain solution for DEM Consistent with the fact that the solar atmosphere is emitting over a broad range of temperatures With five channels, it is often possible to achieve solutions, but the quality of the recovered DEM improves with the number of temperature channels 4 channels (131,175,193,211) 7 channels (6 EUV+304) From Deluca et al (AIA00407)
10-s cadence achieved with 4 telescopes Each telescope must maintain a 5-sec cadence Looking at the AIA from the Sun 1600 C IV 1700 UV Cont. 4500 White Light He II Fe XIV Fe XVI 304 94 UV 171 211 193 335 133 Fe XVIII Fe IX Fe XII/XXIV Fe XX/XXIII +Y +Z Instrument Module / Optical Bench
Dynamic Range AIA meets dynamic range requirements Camera must be 13 bit design AIA Science Objectives 2 and 3 require a dynamic range of >1,000 Camera design has 14 bit ADC e2v CCD has low noise, high efficiency, adequate well dept (> 150,000 electrons) 335 A channel is the limiting case for EUV wavelengths: (12.398/335)/3.65*150,000=1521
GT Design Mechanically similar to STEREO/SECCHI Same optical prescription as TRACE Linear range is ±95 arcsec Co-alignment to science telescope is ±20 arcsec One will be ACS prime and the other will be redundant All four are available to the ACS Photo diodes and preamp circuits are redundant No cross-strapping for ISS Low and high gains enable ground testing with StimTel
SECCHI Guide Telescopes AIA mechanical design is a copy of the STEREO/ SECCHI design Optical prescription is same as TRACE Preamp electronics are identical to SECCHI 1-Foot Ruler
Extensive Heritage with AIA Mechanisms Triana/EPIC/XRT Shutter Mechanism TRACE door These mechanisms meet AIA requirements SECCHI/EUVI active secondary Solar-B Filterwheel mechanism
Significant Progress on Mechanism Design Aperture selector used for 193Å/211Å telescope Uses brushless DC motor Position change requires 1 sec Heritage from STEREO/SECCHI Aperture Selector Design Focus mechanism is based on the TRACE design Provides 800 m movement of secondary mirror Lever driven by brushless DC motor Focus Mech Design (Trace)
AIA Block Diagram
AIA Electronics Boxes AIA Electronics Box (AEB) Basic layout similar to HMI Connectors will be on the long side Connectors shown are notional AIA Camera Electronics Box (CEB) Identical to HMI Mounts to IM behind science telescope focal plane assembly
Spacecraft Resources – Mass & Power Allocation = 130 kg Current Estimate: Harness (6kg) + AEB (27kg) + AOP (87kg) = 120 kg Margin = 7.7 % (S/C holds >/= 20% margin above allocation) AVERAGE POWER Allocation = 135 W Current Estimate = 108 W (avg. of imaging and readout power) Margin = 20 % (S/C holds >/= 20% margin above allocation) Resource estimates to be reviewed for PDR-2 to assure appropriate PDR-level margins are maintained at the Spacecraft level.
Program Status and Accomplishments Gary Kushner Deputy Program Manager 650.424.2310
AIA on Track for Successful PDR in April (1 of 4) Undefinitized letter of contract, November 2003 Definitized contract, February 2004 AIA and SAO making significant progress on design and interfaces Letter of subcontract to SAO on November 18 2003 Conferring weekly on designs and interfaces Holding bi weekly contamination control working group discussions Developed initial Telescope Assembly Alignment and Installation Plan Long-Lead Items identified and well understood Mirror blanks on order Two life-test filterwheels on order Life-test chamber and GSE designed; GSE under procurement Coating Vendors under contract to start development-phase work Front-filter test program initiated in February
AIA on Track for Successful PDR in April (2 of 4) In a very short period of time, AIA has released a large amount of program documentation to PDR level. HMI/AIA PAIP (Released) Contamination Control Plan (Draft) Risk Management Plan (Draft) WBS Dictionary (In release) Instrument Performance Document (Draft) AIA Software Requirements Document (Draft) AIA Software Management Plan (In Release) HMI/AIA Program Management Plan (In Release) HMI/AIA Configuration Management Plan (Released) AIA Performance Verification Plan (Draft) HMI/AIA SOC Ground System Plan (Draft) Education and Public Outreach Plan (Draft) Initial AIA Program Schedule
AIA on Track for Successful PDR in April (3 of 4) AIA-Spacecraft ICD progress Participated in January Interface Working Group to initiate AIA ICD HMI Spacecraft ICD used as basis for first draft of AIA ICD, leveraging commonality Received first draft of ICD on 1 March 2004, in review Important trades initiated and discussed with Project Project concurred on increase from 2 to 4 guide telescopes Project reviewing data rate increase (58 to 67Mbs); currently at CCB AIA reviewing CEB mounting Science Telescope to Instrument Module with Project Design effort on track to support PDR in April 2004 Aggressive internal and peer review schedules (see following list) Team in place with distributed responsibilities EEE Parts Control Board Held at LMSAL on February 24, 2004 Successful meeting with 337 line items boarded, 301 approved (89%) Materials and Process Board Held at LMSAL on February 25, 2004 Successful meeting with all materials (to-date) reviewed. Processes at next board.
AIA on Track for Successful PDR in April (4 of 4) AIA Technical Reviews Internal reviews Focal Plane Assembly Telescope Assembly and optical alignments Secondary Spider Assembly GT mounting legs Focus Mechanism Program Reviews PDR-1, accommodations and requirements, March 4 AIA Technical Reviews Planned for March Internal Software Electronics Thermal Peer Reviews GT March 16 FPA March 17 Spider March 18 Telescope Assembly March 25 Thermal March 25 Mechanisms March 26 Electronics March 31 Software March 30 Program Reviews AIA ICD WG March 23-24 2004 PDR-2 April 14-15 2004 CDR Jan 2005
AIA Risk Assessment (1 of 2) Camera Electronics Development – Medium Covered by HMI CCD Development – Medium Contamination – Medium Description AIA is an EUV instrument and is sensitive to contamination Performance of instrument can be degraded Mitigation Pervasive contamination control program with extensive experience with Trace and similar programs Flowdown of requirements to component levels Continuous monitoring and sampling program
AIA Risk Assessment (2 of 2) EUV Coated Optics – Low Description If the optics coating vendor has difficulty delivering the coated optics, this could result in cost increases for the program Mitigation Parallel path coating development. Start development early in program Front Filters – Low AIA uses thin aluminum and zirconium filters. If the protection measures are not adequate to protect the filters from the acoustic environment, the program schedule will be delayed while the filter protection is redesigned. Early program development of filter frame and testing in acoustic environment Structural model testing of filter frames and flight like filters.
AIA Summary Schedule
AIA Schedule Notes Due to the late start, AIA’s challenge is to meet the SDO instrument delivery need date. The schedule shows delivery on 15 February 2007; two months later than the desired delivery in December 2006 The schedule includes 4 Months of program contingency. We are working on options to improve the delivery Critical path goes through the telescope structure at SAO The EUV optics are currently 5 months off the critical path CCD Detectors & CCD Camera Electronics 4 Months off the Critical Path Important Milestones AIA PDR-2 14 & 15 April 2004 AIA CDR 13 January 2005 Final CCD deliveries 15 September 2005 Final Camera deliveries 22 December 2005 Last Telescope Delivery from SAO to LMSAL 25 April 2006 AIA Acceptance Testing Starts 2 August 2006
Near Term Focus on PDR and CDR Conduct peer reviews of all major subsystems by PDR-2, April 14-15. Perform Radiation Ray Trace analysis on PDR design ~July 2004 Start Structural Model development June 2004 Majority of Structural Model tests completed prior to CDR. Mechanisms life testing will start Oct 2004, some components already on order Contamination modeling and release of Contamination Plan prior to CDR SAO performing proof-of-concept acoustic tests of front filters
Conclusions AIA design is rapidly approaching PDR level and will be in step with SDO program by Confirmation Review AIA building on HMI design effort in many areas, from the focal plane to Level 1 Data Products Mechanisms CCDs Cameras Electronics Data Pipeline Software LMSAL and SAO teams bring significant heritage and expertise AIA has aggressive, but achievable, schedule for achieving PDR and CDR activities LMSAL and SAO working closely on telescope and interface designs Mission is well understood Team is in place and ready for the challenge
AIA Technical Development Program Two Technical Development paths: 1. CCDs Incremental development of FPP format E2v has already produced non-flight functioning devices Development program underway: First images obtained Early February Demonstration Model Delivered to LMSAL April ’04 Demonstration Model Evaluation April – June ’04 2. Front Filters Most filters well understood with Trace heritage Zirconium filters have sounding rocket experience only Prototype filter test program underway with planned acoustic testing All other technologies have significant heritage and team experience
CCD Camera Systems CCD Camera Systems are key elements of HMI & AIA Were to be provided by UK Co-investigators Now being procured from UK suppliers under subcontracts (same suppliers) HMI and AIA use identical cameras CCD – 4096 x 4096, 12 micron pixels Extension of devices that are being used on Solar-B FPP (2048 x 4096 pixels) HMI and AIA use identical CCDs except AIA CCDs are back-side thinned e2v has already produced functioning non-flight devices e2v is the best supplier in the world for such devices CEB – 8 Mpixels/sec via 2 Mpixels/sec from 4 ports simultaneously Extension of SECCHI/STEREO cameras by RAL Design modifications are quite mature with rescopes being imposed early to maintain schedule High visibility and cooperative approach to obtaining the CCD Camera Systems Working group established that includes GSFC experts Weekly telecons Three meetings in the UK and two in the US Established demonstration programs at both RAL and e2v early in the mission Confidence is high for obtaining both CCDs and Camera Electronics on schedule