Butte County Board of Supervisors September 27, 2016 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for Evidence Building and Morgue Agenda Item 5.02 Butte County Board of Supervisors September 27, 2016
Request Adopt an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Butte County Evidence Building and Morgue
Public Safety Neighborhood
Need for Project Existing 2500 sq. ft. evidence building does not accommodate contemporary evidence handling procedures, is not climate controlled, and will be demolished under a ministerial building permit to accommodate construction of the Supplemental Jail Facility north of the existing Jail. No existing Morgue; autopsies performed at local mortuaries
Background Existing evidence building built in 1960’s and is no longer serviceable Replacement of the Evidence Building has been in the Capital Improvement Program since 2004 Board contracted with Nacht & Lewis for design services for Evidence Building & Morgue in February, 2016
Project Description 11,00 Evidence Building & Morgue Construction staging and access areas (1.35 acres) for construction equipment too heavy to safely utilize Sheriff’s Access Road. Storage for 43 bodies w/ three autopsy tables 1,000 sq. ft. of outdoor storage About 25 additional parking spaces LEED Silver or equivalent standards Nighttime exterior security lighting
Conceptual Site Plan
CEQA Findings The proposed Evidence Storage Building and Morgue will have a less than significant impact with incorporation of seven mitigation measures No comments received during the 30-day review period, August 24 to September 23, 2016
Mitigation Measures (1 of 2) Aesthetics (Minimize Off-Site Glare from Exterior Lighting); Air Quality (Ensure Adequate Dust Control); Air Quality (Minimize Combustion Emissions from Heavy-Duty Construction Equipment); Biological Resources (Migratory Birds) Cultural Resources (Protection of Cultural Resources Found During Work);
Mitigation Measures (2 of 2) Hydrology/Water Quality (Prepare Low Impact Development Plan to Manage Post- Construction Stormwater Runoff); Noise (Limit Work to Daytime Hours and Provide Best Available Noise Suppression).
Recommendation: Adopt the resolution and authorize the chair to sign.
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