30 Second Training for Mental Health Service Providers “Vocational Illness Management & Recovery”- An Educational Approach to Employment Success - What is VIMR? 30 Second Training for Mental Health Service Providers
Vocational illness management & recovery (VIMR) – teaches people with mental health conditions how to Use practical facts about mental health conditions at work; Learn coping strategies at work; Build social connections at work; Prevent relapse while working; Perform their best at work. 1. 2. 3. 4 continue
Which is ONE important learning of VIMR? Make sure they know the risks of employment. Make sure they know how to find employment. Help them with interviews. Help them to learn to prevent relapse while working. continue
#2. was correct. continue
Not the correct answer but keep on trying. Go back
Want to know more? Check the Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation’s Employment Repository: https://cpr.bu.edu/resources/employment https://cpr.bu.edu/resources/employment/families/thi nk-about-work/work-value/vocational-recovery- definition
ACKNOWLEDGMENT This training is made possible by a grant from the National Institute on Disability & Independent Living Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) within the Administration for Community Living, Department of He Grant # 90DP0096. The contents of this presentation do not necessarily represent the policy of NIDILRR, ACL or HHS, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. These slides are the property of the Trustees of Boston University. For information contact 617-353-3549.