Welcome to 4th Grade Back-to-School Night! September 6, 2018
Background 14th year of teaching Masters in Education Masters in Educational Administration
The Grace Family
Mathematics Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Unit Assessments Xtra Math
Reading Comprehension Toolkit LEAD21 Sustained Silent Reading Time Large and small group instruction Sustained Silent Reading Time Reading Logs/At-home Calendars Roxy Reading Therapy Dog Program Parent permission slip link https://www.roxytherapydogs.org/roxy-parent-permission-slip Password: roxyrocks The password is roxyrocks
Language Arts Daily Spelling application Curriculum-specific grammar skill practice Being a Writer Major Writing Pieces Personal Narrative Informative (Research and non-research based) Descriptive Functional (How-To) Opinion
Science Electricity Matter Watery Earth
Social Studies Pennsylvania Social Studies Alive! Text and Project-based curriculum Covers Regions of the U.S.
Progress Reports Letter Grades Trimesters Conferences Success Standards Trimesters December 4th March 15th June 14th Conferences December March
Homework Balance of written work and independent reading from a self-selected chapter book Reading Log/Calendar Gayman folders sent home daily
Classroom Incentives Classroom Money System Individual and Whole-Class Rewards Monthly Classroom Auction
Field Trips Washington’s Crossing Historic State Park Mercer and Michener Museums (Sponsored by the Art Department) Peace Valley Nature Center Earth Day movie celebration (in house) National Parks for Fourth Graders and families! https://www.everykidinapark.gov/ **Clearances/Affidavits required for parent volunteers**
Volunteer Clearances
Communication Gayman Folders (daily) Teacher website http://www.cbsd.org/jgrace ‘Week in Review’ email (Fridays) SeeSaw Email: jgrace@cbsd.org Phone: 267-893-4389 ext. 1207 Student Information Sheet
Grade 4 Spotlight Concert Save the Date! Grade 4 Spotlight Concert Tuesday, March 12th 10-10:30 a.m.
Thank You!
Thank You!