Proyecto de los países hispanohablantes fecha límite miércoles 14 de junio del 2017 (grupos de 3) 1) filmina # 1 geografía y ubicación (location) 2) filmina # 2 me gusta y no me gusta 3) filmina #3 colores en comida, ropa, bailes, festivals, Etc. 4) filmina #4 video corto de 2 ó 3 minutos ¿Preguntas? Asegúrate de traer comida del país para compartir
For this part of the class you would need to choose one Spanish speaking country out of the 21 countries. You will to make a presentation (PP or Prezi) telling the class: Slide 1 locations of the country Slide 2 likes and dislikes about the country Slide 3 Colors in their food , clothing, dances and festivals Slide 4 be sure to include a short video, of 2-3 minutes about the country Be sure to bring food of the country Come to see me if you have any questions.