Landform Social Studies Project: Pick any landform that you would like from Social Studies packet page 8. You may create your landform from any material you would like. Crayons, Markers, Model Magic, Construction paper, Newspaper, beads, cotton balls, soup can, posterboard, or any other material you have access to. I will provide some basic materials at school so everyone will be able to create some type of project. For my less artsy students, you may create a Power Point Presentation on your landform. Your Power Point will include various pictures and will include brief descriptions of each picture. Your Power Point will be 6-8 slides. We will be working on our projects at school and I will provide class time for them. If you want to work on your project at home, that is okay too. I will have something for you to work on at school. After your project is complete, you will have a short writing assignment explaining how you created your project and why you chose your landform. I will give this to you at school. Due Date: