Staff Feedback Event Welcome and Introduction Project Facilitator
Aims of the work – To improve experience for patients – To help to improve experience for staff – To make the service a better experience for all Icebreaker – An example of something you consider to be patient-centred care This work so far – Interviews and observations – Staff feedback event – today – Patient feedback event – next week – Joint patient and staff event – in two weeks
Overview A 6- stage design process 1. Setting up 2. Engaging staff and gathering experiences 3. Engaging patients and gathering their experiences 4. Bringing patients and staff together to share experiences and begin co-design - 5. Detailed co-design activities 6.Coming back together: celebration, review and renewal
Todays agenda Hear feedback from staff interviews and observations Decide which issues could be worked on with patients Agree priorities to take to joint patient and staff event in two weeks
Staff Feedback Event Feedback on staff experiences from interviews and observations Clinical lead + interviewers
Data sources [state time period] How interviewers familiarised themselves with service Number of staff interviewed Number and some detail of areas / interactions observed
POSITIVE PERCEPTIONS OF WORKING IN THE SERVICE Key point Further details [Continue across further slides until all relevant points covered] Quotes from members of staff to reinforce previous data [Anonymise so that people cannot identify staff – particularly easy to do in small teams]
POSITIVE PERCEPTIONS OF SERVICE FOR PATIENTS Key point Further details [Worth reminding people that this is the staffs take on the patients perception of services Include another couple of quotes to reinforce previous points] Observation data Short descriptions of observation findings [Continue on further slides if necessary and incorporate quotes where appropriate]
NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS OF WORKING IN THE SERVICE Key point Further details [Continue across further slides until all relevant points covered] Quotes from members of staff to reinforce previous data [Anonymise so that people cannot identify staff – particularly easy to do in small teams]
Key point Further details [Worth reminding people that this is the staffs take on the patients perception of services Add observation and / or quotes to reinforce previous points] NEGATIVE PERCEPTIONS OF BREAST SERVICE FOR PATIENTS
PRIORITIES FOR IMPROVING STAFF EXPERIENCE OF SERVICE Key point Further details [Continue across further slides until all relevant points covered]
PRIORITIES FOR IMPROVING PATIENT EXPERIENCE Key point Further details [Continue across further slides until all relevant points covered]
Some final quotes to finish presentation