Section 4 Review of QAR
Bellringer In your own words tell the difference between Level one and level two questions Level two and level three questions Level three and level four questions On which level does our Retelling graphic organizer belong?
Let’s Review Get out your questions that you wrote for Robinson’s “Yours” story and trade with your corner partner. Partner, you are going to answer the questions and briefly agree or disagree with the level of each question. If you agree that a level one is a level one, justify your agreement. If you think it is not at the right level, tell why not and where it should be ranked. You should do this for each of the 12 questions. Then, take 4-5 minutes to discuss your findings and we can make corrections.
Now... Based on your discussion, rewrite your questions on a fresh sheet of paper. BUT this time, mix the order and do NOT label the level. HOWEVER, leave two lines under each question. We will see how good your revisions are! Pass them forward, and I’m going to send it to someone across the room.
Think! Look at the new set of mixed questions in front of you. You do NOT have to answer them. Instead, in the two lines that were left under each question, write the level that you think each is and explain your reasoning. Remember that you SHOULD have three of each kind of question. If not, either you misinterpreted or the writer did not do the assignment correctly! Let’s discuss a few before you hand them back!
Let’s Review Decoding! Get out your list and let’s review! Remember that your quiz will be a mix of the old and the new! Let’s Review Decoding!
de-de-decode! Using a mix of your old and new prefixes, suffixes, and root words, write a rap in which you use at least 3 of each kind! You’d better believe that we will be hearing your mad flow when we are finished!
Homework Study for your decoding quiz, which is Wednesday! Make any final adjustments to your “Yours” questions before you turn them in for a grade tomorrow! Those levels better be in ship-shape!