Loddon Campaspe Integrated Transport Strategy ) )
Where is the Loddon Campaspe Region ) The centre of the State of Victoria In 2014, 6 municipalities within the Loddon Campaspe area (seeing the success in other regions & recognising the need) agreed to develop a regional Transport strategy. Regional Growth Fund money used as seeding funds ($51, 118) with municipalities and VicRoads agreeing to contribute $5,000 each. (Final figure was $3,771.36.) Steering group formed of senior staff from councils VicRoads and DELWP. )
What Municipalities Comprise the Region? ) Loddon, Campaspe, Bendigo, Macedon, Mount Alexander, Central Goldfields In 2014, 6 municipalities within the Loddon Campaspe area (seeing the success in other regions & recognising the need) agreed to develop a regional Transport strategy. Regional Growth Fund money used as seeding funds ($51, 118) with municipalities and VicRoads agreeing to contribute $5,000 each. (Final figure was $3,771.36.) Steering group formed of senior staff from councils VicRoads and DELWP. )
Why have a Regional Transport Strategy? ) If you want regional growth, then regional transport infrastructure is essential If you want to know what good for your region you need a Plan or a Strategy…… If you don’t have one then you are at a disadvantage to those that have one and can articulate regional priorities. The provision of large state infrastructure expenditure is rightly being guided by regional consensus In 2014, 6 municipalities within the Loddon Campaspe area (seeing the success in other regions & recognising the need) agreed to develop a regional Transport strategy. Regional Growth Fund money used as seeding funds ($51, 118) with municipalities and VicRoads agreeing to contribute $5,000 each. (Final figure was $3,771.36.) Steering group formed of senior staff from councils VicRoads and DELWP. )
Why have a Regional Transportation Strategy? ) Having regionally agreed priorities will attract funding Is an opportunity to solve regional transport issues. Eg improved rail services A group carries more weight than a single Council. Provides an opportunity to regularly engage with the state agency decision makers It allows cross municipality routes to be evaluated across boundaries It provides support from neighbouring municipalities for their projects and likewise yours It supports regionally significant initiatives The strategy sets out objectives, directions, actions, funding and policy priorities with clear links to the Regional Strategic Plan and the Regional Growth Plan. It builds upon existing work and supports regionally significant initiatives by: Helping us understand the transport drivers, needs and challenges of the region Focussing our efforts through a shared ‘whole of region’ approach to transport infrastructure assessment and priority setting Promoting a common understanding of how this will happen, and a platform for the region to establish support for key projects Providing the practical tools to achieve the go )
How did the region go about building the Strategy? ) The 6 Councils formed a steering group Terms of reference was discussed and agreed to and a consultancy brief was developed Tenders were called / normal procurement process for a consultant The project budget was $80,000 largely funded from state government but with some agency contributions. Project consultant Infraplan Pty Ltd was engaged In 2014, 6 municipalities within the Loddon Campaspe area (seeing the success in other regions & recognising the need) agreed to develop a regional Transport strategy. Regional Growth Fund money used as seeding funds ($51, 118) with municipalities and VicRoads agreeing to contribute $5,000 each. (Final figure was $3,771.36.) Steering group formed of senior staff from councils VicRoads and DELWP. )
Process to develop the stategy ) The people ) The People The joint project involving 6 municipalities + VicRoads + DELWP The people - senior officers of Councils working together. Input from others? Consultation included transport operators, businesses and a review of existing government and adjoining regional strategies. Consultants – InfraPlan The Process The strategy task group has overseen the delivery of the strategy Going forward the group will continue to refine and implement the strategy
People involved ) A range of staff from Eco Development to Engineers from the 6 municipalities involved in project team Project team involved VicRoads + DELWP representation (No elected officials) A very collaborative and strategic group Consultation outside the project team included transport operators, businesses, a council staff with an interest in transportation issues The consultants undertook a literature review of existing government and adjoining regional strategies. The People The joint project involving 6 municipalities + VicRoads + DELWP The people - senior officers of Councils working together. Input from others? Consultation included transport operators, businesses and a review of existing government and adjoining regional strategies. Consultants – InfraPlan The Process The strategy task group has overseen the delivery of the strategy Going forward the group will continue to refine and implement the strategy )
What does the Strategy do? ) The strategy sets out objectives, directions, actions, funding and policy priorities. It builds upon existing work It supports regionally significant initiatives ) The strategy sets out objectives, directions, actions, funding and policy priorities with clear links to the Regional Strategic Plan and the Regional Growth Plan. It builds upon existing work and supports regionally significant initiatives by: Helping us understand the transport drivers, needs and challenges of the region Focussing our efforts through a shared ‘whole of region’ approach to transport infrastructure assessment and priority setting Promoting a common understanding of how this will happen, and a platform for the region to establish support for key projects Providing the practical tools to achieve the go
6 Guiding Principles SIX KEY GUIDING GOALS ) SIX KEY GUIDING GOALS Goal 1: Protect and enhance a transport system that supports regional economic development and population growth. Goal 2: Improve the capacity and function of the transport network, and integrate it with land use. Goal 3: Manage the transport system so that it is maintained to a safe and affordable level of service. Goal 4: Provide equitable community access and connectivity for large and small communities. Goal 5: Support efficient and sustainable transport of products between producers, markets and nodes within the region and with other regions. Goal 6: Support improved community health and environmental outcomes. )
What was the result and recommendstions? ) Provided a new project evaluation tool based on Triple bottom line evaluation Established the immediate top 10 action priorities Provides a significant list of further projects beyond the top 10 grouped under project goals Allocated the action needed to progress all projects Provided useful support data for regional asks Articulate regional transport challenges Determined a need for an ongoing transport working group and a governance structure Provides an immediate priorities for action ( Top 10 priorities) Proposes a methodology or structure for ongoing project consideration (Triple bottom line evaluation) Provides a significant list of projects to be further developed an investigated. (Other potential projects) Articulate those issues facing the region (what are they?) )
Key points to highlight ) The strategy is A living document. A starting point It provides a succinct list of issues and actions It includes a strategic framework It demonstrates a regional consensus It provides documented support for advocacy. There is a need for a dedicated reference group - Ongoing The draft strategy is a living document. It is a starting point, not the end and can be built upon It provides a succinct list of issues with a clear action (eg. Advocacy or Further investigation) It includes a strategic framework to consider projects – 6 guiding goals It demonstrates a regional consensus on key projects It provides documented support for advocacy. It delivers the basis for a dedicated reference group, providing ongoing collaboration across the region on transport issues/ opportunities )
Where to from here The strategy has been endorsed by member Councils ) The strategy has been endorsed by member Councils The Steering Committee will continue to meet There are projects identified in the strategy to be undertaken New projects will be identified and put through the triple bottom line evaluation The Steering Committee can work with government agency officers and collaboratively to flesh out and develop the business cases for the elected representatives To be a relevant regionally strategic document, the strategy needs endorsement by the participating councils. )
Loddon Campaspe Integrated Transport Strategy ) Copies of the Loddon Campaspe Strategy can be made available on request. Currently available on Central Goldfields Shire Website under latest news http://www.centralgoldfields.com.au It is important the adjoining regional planning groups work together )
Loddon Campaspe Integrated Transport Strategy ) Questions? )