The South
Essential Questions Why did the south's economy remain agricultural? How were small farms and large plantations different? What were the results when slaves rose up?
The Southern Economy Southerners admitted that slavery would have ended if it was not for the growth of the cotton industry. The huge growth of the cotton industry produced enormous wealth for the south.
The Southern Economy The cotton belt spread from the Carolinas to Texas, where the climate was good for it.
The Southern Economy About 15,000 families owned plantations, and most of the slaves. Hundreds of thousands of families owned small farms, and only one or two (or no) slaves.
The Southern Economy Cotton became America's most important cash crop and export.
Small vs. Large Farms For owners of large plantations, wealth and luxury were a way of life.
Small vs. Large Farms Slaves lived in single-room shacks.
Small vs. Large Farms On smaller farms, slaves frequently lived with the people who owned them and worked side- by-side. These farmers grew mostly food to live on and some cotton or tobacco, plus animals for food.
Slave Uprisings In 1800, Gabriel Prosser was a slave blacksmith. He planned an uprising in Richmond. He planned to lead slaves into the city and burn it. He was betrayed by some followers, and was captured and hanged.
Slave Uprisings The same year, Denmark Vesey bought his freedom for $600 he had won in a lottery. In 1822, he planned to invade Charleston, SC with thousands of slaves and take over the city. He was also betrayed by some followers and hanged.
Slave Uprisings In August of 1831, Nat Turner, a preacher, planned another uprising. Following a message from God, he led 70 slaves on raids of white plantations, killing more than 50 people. He was arrested, and he and his followers were hanged.
Slave Uprisings Southerners lived in constant fear of a successful slave revolt. Most states had armed guards in the streets all of the time. With each uprising, slaves had more and more freedoms taken away out of fear.