Articles of Confederation


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Presentation transcript:

Articles of Confederation

Let’s Think! What are the Articles of Confederation (A of C)? America’s 1st governing document Who created them? Continental Congress

Taxes Federal government could not tax Result: Had to ask the states States could ignore No money to run central government

Raising An Army / Navy No national army Results: Had to ask the states States ignored No troops to enforce laws

Trade Could not control trade between states Results: States taxed each other Business suffered

Settling Disputes Could only help settle disputes Results: Could not enforce decisions States argued constantly States didn’t follow decisions

Money Could not regulate the printing and earning of money Government money was not backed by gold or silver Results: Each state printed its own money Government money seen as worthless

Other Weaknesses of A of C To make any changes, ALL states had to agree  unanimous is impossible Representation in Congress  1 vote for each state regardless of population No Executive Branch No national court system

Land  Good! Passed the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Results: Explained the rules to add new states

Shays’ Rebellion Look on your reading… Take a few minutes to read about Shays’ Rebellion Answer your questions on the handout What weaknesses of the A of C make it difficult to put down Shays’ Rebellion? Solution??? We need a STRONGER central government so the A of C must GO!

So…the A of C must go! Constitutional Convention  2 plans Virginia Plan (AKA: Large State Plan)  2 house Congress (bicameral)  representation: based on population New Jersey Plan (AKA: Small State Plan)  1 house Congress (unicameral)  Representation: 1 vote per state What about slaves? How do we count them? 3/5 Compromise! Thank you James Madison – our Father of the Constitution Solution: The Great Compromise