This WILL improve your writing skills! Revising and Editing Reread your written work multiple times and for multiple purposes…each time making additional and new revisions and edits. This WILL improve your writing skills!
S: spelling write out numbers, &, homophones, contractions S.C.R.A.P. S: spelling write out numbers, &, homophones, contractions C: capitalization names, places, months, I, titles R: replace dead words things, it, good, bad A: additions (personifying) adverbs, adjectives, Specific Details, sensory imagery P: punctuation varied sentence structure: AAAWUBBIS, FANBOYS, coordinate adjectives
Your Turn to Practice! Directions: Reread your essay, multiple times, each time for a different purpose. Your formative grade will be for the revisions and edits that you make to sample BORING paragraph. For this formative assessment, I will model the first paragraph, and you will take “notes.” Then, you will use your “Writer’s Notebook” and choose a paragraph to revise, using SCRAP.