Kits for Kids Solution Fluency Project Presented by: Ruby, Kelsey, Lauren & Maya
Summarize Goal Our plan is to create care packages that include necessities, and send them to kids who live refugee camps in need. Our goal is to start by creating one package and sending it to one child. Once we know that our goal has been completed and successful, we will continue to make and send more packages to kids.
What Will be Included in the Package. Socks Blanket Shoes Toys Canned Food Solar Powered Flash light Portable Water Filter Clothing (hats, shirts, scarves, etc.) Water Bottle
Questions to problems. How to construct a solar powered flash light? How to construct a portable water filter? How will we be able to get our hands on the materials we need to make these items? What organizations will we be able to communicate with? How would we be able to ship these packages to children?
Solar-Powered Flashlight We are hoping to include a solar- powered flashlight into the packages. Whether it is solar or producible energy (such as fruit- powered, hydro-powered, etc.), we would love to create a product that would be portable and useful.
Portable Water Filter We would also like our packages to contain a small, water filter (if possible). Our goal is to create this product in such way, that it is easy to use, safe to children and adults and will have an impact on the quality of their drinking water.
“Thank you for helping us achieve our goal!” –Ruby, Kelsey, Maya, Lauren