Solar Shuttle Ride
K’Nex Basic If you’ve never used K’Nex before, read over these instructions to help you get started!
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Shuttle Ride Check out a compass Ask to go outside to test your project
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #1 Determine which direction is North, South, East and West. Place the solar panel in each direction flat on the ground (0º). Count how many times the shuttle ride rotates in 20 seconds. Calculate how many rotations this would be in one minute and one hour. Compile this information in a table.
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #1 Compass Direction # of rotations in 20 seconds # of rotations per minute # of rotations per hour North South East West
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #1 Based on the information you gathered, which direction on the compass would be the best to direct a solar panel? Why?
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #2 Determine which direction is North, South, East and West. Place the solar panel in each direction AND raise the panel 20º Count how many times the shuttle ride rotates in 20 seconds. Calculate how many rotations this would be in one minute and one hour. Compile this information in a table.
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #2 Compass Direction # of rotations in 20 seconds # of rotations per minute # of rotations per hour North South East West
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #2 How did the results from this experiment differ from Experiment #1?
Shuttle Ride: Experiment #3 Create and add two more shuttles to your ride and recreate experiment #1 and #2. Compile this information in two NEW tables. Is the direction on the compass you found from your first two experiments still the best? Why or why not?