AASHTO Standing Committee on Highway Traffic Safety: Business Meeting Key Points of Discussion Tom Sorel, Chair Pan Hutton, Vice Chair
Agenda: Report from the Safety Management Subcommittee Report from Liaisons to other AASHTO Committees Proposed Resolutions New Items: Development of a SCOHTS Strategic Plan Role of SCOHTS in making Safety the highest priority of AASHTO and the member States Structure of SCOHTS and role of Subcommittees Keeping up the momentum through administration changes Future Meetings – Texas?
Resolutions and Actions: Recognition of Kirk Steudle Highway Safety Manual (from Priscilla) usRAP Performance Measurement Local Roads Improve definition on serious injury
Performance Measurement Purpose: Begin building experience that could help the States prepare for the reauthorization Safety has the most consistent data base Build on work of SCoPM on States’ efforts Voluntary effort (possibly 10-20 States) Focus: Performance Measures (beyond FARS) Setting baseline and trend data Goal setting and setting targets
Discussion Items: Strategic Plan What would be the value of a SCOHTS Strategic Plan? What issues should it address? Major projects or Initiatives Tie to other AASHTO Committees and BoD Partnership Activities with TRB (NCHRP), USDOT, others What should be the process for developing such a plan? Next Steps? Lead?
Discussion Items: Role of SCoHTS How can SCoHTS be most effective in influencing and assisting AASHTO and the member States? How can SCoHTS work with the incoming AASHTO President in assuring Safety is in some way part of the President’s Agenda How does SCoHTS want to be engaged in the TZD effort?