History of Government
First Civilizations- River Valleys Earliest States Egypt Mesopotamia India China Fertile river valleys Grow crops = Healthy people = Population increase Transportation Protection
Why do we need government? Protection To meet basic needs safely (provide)
Hammurabi’s Code Around 1750BCE a warrior King named Hammurabi took power in Babylon His people had different customs and laws He unified them all under a single code… So that there was no dispute what the law was… He placed them in the center of town All the laws had a punishment
Some of the laws of Hammurabi’s code “if a man practice robbery and be captured, that man shall be put to death” “If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand” “Eye for an eye” If a builder builds you a house and it falls down and kills your son, you get to kill the builder’s son. If your home catches fire and while you are out getting water to put it out somebody comes by and steals from you, they get thrown into the fire.
Who Can Participate Democracy- supreme political rest with the people Direct Democracy- “pure” everyone has a vote Indirect (Representative/ Republic) Democracy- people vote for a representative to express popular will United States
Athens vs Rome Athens Rome Birthplace Democracy Only males citizens voted in assembly Ostracism- (vote) unpopular people kicked out of Athens for 10 years What about women, slaves & men w/out property? Republic- representative government
Other governments Dictatorship- quick decisions, people belong to the state, answer to dictator Autocracy- government single person holds unlimited political power Monarchy- one person has the power- king,
Patriotism vs Nationalism pride and devotion for one’s country pride for one’s country More intense We are better than you
Characteristics of Democracy 1. Worth of an Individual 2. Equality of all persons 3. Majority rule, minority rights 4. Necessity of compromise 5. Individual freedom 6. Free Election 7. Competing Political Parties
Essential Elements for a Democracy Citizen Participation- vote, juries, inform Favorable Economy- large middle class Free enterprise; private ownership Widespread Educations Strong Civil Society- private, nongovernmental (Red Cross) Social Consensus- accept liberty, equality limits of gov.
Summary Write question and answer or write answer in complete sentence restating the question. What were the characteristics of the 1st civilizations? Name one of the 1st States? Why do we need government? Explain the difference b/t a direct & indirect democracy. Describe the difference b/t democracy in Rome & Athens. Explain the difference b/t patriotism and nationalism