Demonstrate Total Officer Personnel Management Information System II SHOW SLIDE 1: TOPMIS II (Total Officer Personnel Management Information System II) NOTE: TOPMIS is an automated system used by HRC to distribute and assign officers and by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA), Major Commands (MACOMs) and installations, to include Brigade Combat Team (BCT)/Battalion S-1s, to manage officer strength, distribution, assignments, and officer record data on Total Army Personnel Data Base - Active Officer (TAPDB-AO). Note: TOPMIS II allows the user to update certain data elements in an officer’s record (not promotion orders). TOPMIS II is also a tool for producing data queries. Additionally, it assists in Strength Management and Officer Requisition functions.
TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Review and understand TOPMIS Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to a computer with the Citrix and TOPMIS programs loaded and access to the TOPMIS training database via wireless or LAN connection with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: The students will meet the standard when they understand how to perform the following: Demonstrate a data element search with Technical Environment Support System (TESS) Demonstrate ORBs from TOPMIS II Demonstrate Officer Records using Officer Record Data (ORD) Demonstrate query capabilities Demonstrate RFOs and Requisition Reports from TOPMIS II Demonstrate strength report Demonstrate TOPMIS file utilities capabilities SHOW SLIDE 2: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Review and understand TOPMIS Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to a computer with the Citrix and TOPMIS programs loaded and access to the TOPMIS training database via wireless or LAN connection. Standards: The students will meet the standard when they understand how to perform the following : Demonstrate a data element search with Technical Environment Support System (TESS) Demonstrate ORBs from TOPMIS II Demonstrate Officer Records using Officer Record Data (ORD) Demonstrate query capabilities Demonstrate RFOs and Requisition Reports from TOPMIS II Demonstrate strength report Demonstrate TOPMIS file utilities capabilities
TOPMIS INFORMATION DATA FLOW TAPDB-AO FIELD USERS ALL OFFICERS My ORB eTOPMIS ORB, RFO/AI, Promotion Orders TOPMIS II eMILPO ALL OFFICERS SHOW SLIDE 3: TOPMIS INFORMATION DATA FLOW a. The hub for all TOPMIS data flow is the TAPDB-AO. From the TAPDB the information is either sent or both sent and received. 1. eTOPMIS is a read-only system that receives information from TAPDB. 2. TOPMIS II is a push/pull system that can send and receive information from TAPDB. 3. eMILPO is another push/pull system that can send and receive information from TAPDB. It does not interact directly with TOPMIS; but the information it pushes to update the TAPDB can then be pulled by TOPMIS. b. Other systems that are available to all officers are "My ORB" and "Assignment Interactive Module (AIM)". "My ORB" is a read-only system that pulls the information from TAPDB. AIM is a two way system that can pull an officer’s assignment preference information from TAPDB. At the same time, an officer can make changes to his or her preferences and send it to TAPDB, which ultimately updates their record on TOPMIS.
Select “TRAINING_TOPMIS2 ” LOGGING INTO TOPMIS II Select “TRAINING_TOPMIS2 ” SHOW SLIDE 4: LOGGING INTO TOPMIS NOTE: Have students type the TOPMIS web address on the web address bar HRC Homepage web address. 1. Enter the following URL: 2. Have the students click on “Self-Service” under Self-Service. Have the students Select “Citrix TOPMISII/PERNET” The Digital Certificate window will open; select a non-Email certificate with the user’s name and click “OK”. Select “CAC Login ”
PRINTER SETUP SHOW SLIDE 5: PRINTER SETUP c. Printer Setup window contains a list of printers specific to TOPMIS II NOTE: Exit allows you to exit the TOPMIS II system.
TOOLS OPTION SHOW SLIDE 6: TOOLS APPLICATION d. Options allows you to modify your user profile Updateable fields have a light or white background. e. Customize Toolbar will allow you to customize you toolbar settings.
SERVICES OPTION SHOW SLIDE 7: SERVICES OPTION Workflow - mail system mainly used by the career managers and the distributions managers at HRC.
HELP OPTIONS SHOW SLIDE 8: TECHNICAL ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT SYSTEM (TESS) OVERVIEW g. Help Topic program was created in Window help format, which was used in previous versions of Windows and it is not supported in Windows Vista. h. Technical Environment Support System (TESS) Search is the data dictionary for the TOPMIS II System. It helps users determine what each abbreviated field name means by giving its full name. The system gives a description of each Field Names and the properties for each field. The system will also tell you which value falls under a specific field or which fields uses a specific value. The two main TESS Search Area are: 1. “Enter Field Name or Value” 2. “Enter Search Criteria” Entering a Field Name will give the user a list of the values that applies to the Field Name. The code of the values will be shown to the left of the complete name of the value. j. About TOPMIS is the current version of TOPMIS being used.
Click this icon to get to the main menu DAPMIS PHOTO Click this icon to get to the main menu SHOW SLIDE 9: DAPMIS PHOTO k. The DAPMIS Photo Menu will give the user the option to search for either Commissioned or Warrant Officer's official photo in one of three ways. (1) SSN (2) Name (3) CONGR (Control Grade). l. The user can use a combination of Name and CONGR to reduce the returned results. The user can also search by last and first name using the following convention: SMITH JOHN (do not use punctuation to separate last and first name). If you do not know the full spelling of the name, TOPMIS II will allow you to search for a partial spelling (i.e.. SMI for SMITH or SMITH JO for SMITH JOHN) NOTE: There are current no DAPMIS Photos loaded in the Training Database.
Click this icon to open to the main menu APPLICATION SERVICE Click this icon to open to the main menu All TOPMIS actions are opened through the “Applications” button found at the top left of the screen.“ SHOW SLIDE 10: APPLICATION SERVICE m. Application Service is the main menu to access services available in TOPMIS II. n. The most commonly used applications are discussed in this overview. The “Select Application Service” window pops up. By double-clicking on an item, a secondary menu opens for you to make a selection.
ORB SHOW SLIDE 11: OFFICER RECORD BRIEF o. The ORB Screen allows users to pull up a brief record on a particular commissioned officer or warrant officer. Data on the ORB is updated on the Officer Record Data Screen and/or in eMILPO. p. Officer Record Brief (ORB) - is an important tool used in the management of officers. It is updated from the Officer Record Data (ORD) screens. q. There are two types of ORBs; the Regular ORB and Board ORB. The differences between the two include certain personal information being “blacked out” on the board ORB. In addition, the Board ORB has a statement on the bottom for the officer to verify with signature. 1. Regular ORB – the regular ORB is used by personnel managers at HRC and the field. 2. Board ORB - HRC selection board members use this ORB in conjunction with other documents to gain an initial impression of an officer’s qualifications and career history.
QUERY SYSTEM The Query System menus give you the ability to create custom made queries to retrieve data specific to your needs. Cautions about the query system - Always use a filter when conducting a query otherwise you will be waiting a long time to get your results - DMSL, UIC, PGRAD, CONGR, BABR are all good filters – use at least one - It’s better to “borrow” and modify an existing query than it is to start from scratch SHOW SLIDE 12: QUERY SYSTEM r. The Query System menus give users the ability to create custom made queries to retrieve data specific to their needs. A couple of cautions about the query system. Always use a filter when conducting a query otherwise there is potential for a long wait time. –DMSL, UIC, PGRAD, CONGR, BABR are all good filters –use at least one. NOTE: Cautions about the query system 1. Always use a filter when conducting a query otherwise you will be waiting a long time to get your results 2. DMSL, UIC, PGRAD, CONGR, BABR are all good filters – use at least one 3. It’s better to “borrow” and modify an existing query than it is to start from scratch Accessing the Query System 1. Click on the “Gear Box” 2. Double Click on “Query System” 3. Double Click on desired section.
ALPHA ROSTER SHOW SLIDE 13: ALPHA ROSTER s. The Alpha Roster Menu provides the option to search for either Commissioned or Warrant Officers in one of three ways. SSN –Name (last) –CONGR (Control Grade). Users can use a combination of Name and CONGR to reduce the returned results. T. Users can also search by last and first name using the following convention: SMITH JOHN (do not use punctuation to separate last and first name). If you do not know the full spelling of the name, TOPMIS II will allow you to search for a partial spelling (i.e.. SMI for SMITH or SMITH JO for SMITH JOHN) The ALPHA ROSTER Returns preformatted information on the selected officer. NAME GRADE BRANCH AOC MOS ARQODA –CURRENT ARPMAO –CURRENT ARQODA –ON ORDERS ARPMAO –ON ORDERS MPCAD / SSN HDPLDY DTPHDE HDPLPD NOTE: To find what each of these columns mean, use the TESS Search function
ORD APPLICATION SERVICE SHOW SLIDE 14: OFFICER RECORD DATA APPLICATION SERVICE u. The Officer Record Data Screens allow field users to make changes to an officer’s official military record. Most areas where field updates are allowed, can be updated using eMILPO. Some areas like military and civilian education can only be updated through TOPMIS II and from top of the system input. Caution should be exercised in who is granted access to make updates. Where possible we have tried to list where the field user can find guidance on updating information and what source document is needed prior to making the update. v. Certain documents used to update information in this area are required to be filed in the officer’s Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) at the Army Human Resources Command. Field users should reference AR 600-8-104 for guidance on what requires official filing in the OMPF.
REQUISITION AND ASSIGNMENT The “Requisition and Assignment menu allows the field user to query on requisitions built for the accounts they manage This module allows users to pull up an actual RFO on an officer to view data included in the officer’s pending assignment The sub-menus in this application allow the user to retrieve data in a pre-formatted roster / report Each menu allows the user to select from a variety of data to produce a report with the information they desire Like other applications, the Requisition and Assignment application can be used interactively and has hotlinks associated with it SHOW SLIDE 14: REQUISITION AND ASSIGNMENT w. The Requisition and Assignment menu allows the field user to query on requisitions built for the accounts they manage. This Module allows users to pull an actual RFO on an officer to view data included in the officer’s pending assignment. The sub-menus in this application allow the user to retrieve data in a pre-formatted roster / report. Each menu allows the user to select from a variety of data to produce a report with the information they desire. Like other applications, the Requisition and Assignment application can be used interactively and has hotlinks associated with it. Accessing the Requisition and Assignment 1. Click on the “Gear Box” 2. Double Click on “Requisition and Assignment” 3. Double Click on desired section
Special Preview Feature RFOS SHOW SLIDE 16: REQUEST FOR ORDERS x. This module allows users to pull up an actual RFO on officer to view data on included in the officers pending assignment. After running the report, users can pull up the RFO for any of the officers listed by simply double clicking on the name. A Special Preview Feature help users ensure that they are selecting the correct officer’s record, by simply clicking on the officer’s name and checking the summarized information for the officer at the bottom of the page. Special Preview Feature To ensure that you are selecting the correct officer’s record, click on the officer’s name and check the summarized information for the officer at the bottom of the page.
MANAGED POSITIONS SHOW SLIDE 17: MANAGED POSITIONS y. The Managed Position Reports and Managed Positions submenus provide data on positions that are centrally managed at DA. These include; but are not limited to, CSL (Central Selection Lists), BN and BDE commands, Acquisition Corps positions, and positions requiring former BN/BDE Commanders.
REQUISITIONS Local Strength Managers do not build requisitions. They report vacancies to HRC and HRC produces the requisitions. SHOW SLIDE 18: REQUISITIONS z. The Requisition submenu is normally used in an interactive method by authorized Strength Managers. This allows users to view the requisition information for different positions. The officer is selected in another menu and the open the “Requisition” menu pulls up requisition information on the officer.
STRENGTH SHOW SLIDE 19: STRENGTH aa. Strength Reports allow the user to capture information for use in managing officer strength. The most common and easiest to use report is the “Detail Strength By Congr” report. Other reports provide useful information in different formats. A few words of caution is that these reports at the field level will not show every officer assigned to a unit. Only those that are centrally managed at AHRC. In short, users will not see info on officers in the following branches: AN, DC, MC, MS, JA, SP, and VC. If the users are running queries in Asset II for comparison, they must exclude these branches. bb. Strength reports provide figures reflecting the current and projected operating strength for Commissioned and Warrant officers managed by the Officer Personnel Management Directorate. Strength figures are based on OPMD data rather than on EMILPO data. Reports are not predefined for the user. They can query on four data element: ARQODA, ARPMAO, CONGR and ASGAOC. Users must select a MPCAD COMMISSION or WARRANT. cc. Branch Reports are for HRC Branch Manager’s use only. Branch Reports allow the user to pull up information on specific branches / PMOS’s. The information retrieved is based on the position the officer is filling, vice his actual branch / PMOS (i.e. an officer filling a billet for an 01A (branch immaterial), will be listed as on 01A instead of in their basic branch. Numbers that reflect a total are hot linked. By double clicking on the number, the user will see a preformatted roster of the officers counted against the total number. Selecting the “VOU” column total will show all the actual requisition as loaded by HRC. dd. The Detail Strength Reports by CONGR are the most commonly used reports. The fewer data elements selected, the quicker the query will pull data. Once you’ve selected the data elements, click on the “hand grenade” icon to run the report. ee. The Strength Detail by PGRAD is similar to the other reports in the Strength menu with different criteria available to query. The report is like all the others in the Strength menu in that it is hot linked. So users can drill down on the numbers to retrieve actual rosters. The projection date list the date that the projections are run against. Like the other reports – DA Centrally managed branches (i.e. JAG, Medical, Chaplains, etc.) are excluded from this report.
UTILITY The Utility menu allows the user to save rosters from other menus onto the computer in a specified format, i.e., excel or word format It was previously described in detail during the Query module how to go about saving files onto the computer This function is only available when there is data that can be saved Users must either run a report or use the hotlinks to pull up a roster before the option to save will appear. One of the most simplified process or processes for utility is the second option, Exporting Data Window to Clipboard. After choosing this option, users can open a one of the Microsoft applications and paste the data. SHOW SLIDE 20: UTILITY ff. The utility menu allows the user to save rosters from other menus onto the computer in a specified format, i.e. Microsoft Excel or Word format. How to save files to the computer was previously described in detail during the Query module. This function is only available when there is data that can be saved. Users must either run a report or use the hotlinks to pull up a roster before the option to save will appear. gg. One of the most simplified process or processes for utility is the second option, Exporting Data Window to Clipboard. After choosing this option, users can open a one of the Microsoft applications and paste the data.
TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Demonstrate Total Officer Personnel Management Information System II Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to a computer with the Citrix and TOPMIS programs loaded and access to the TOPMIS training database via wireless or LAN connection with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standards: The students will meet the standard when they understand how to perform the following: Demonstrate Officer Record Briefs (ORBs), and Conduct a data element search with Technical Environment Support System (TESS) Update Officer Records using Officer Record Data (ORD) Demonstrate query capabilities Demonstrate RFOs and Requisition Reports from TOPMIS II Demonstrate a strength report Demonstrate TOPMIS file utilities capabilities SHOW SLIDE 21: TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE Action: Demonstrate Total Officer Personnel Management Information System II Conditions: In a classroom environment given access to a computer with the Citrix and TOPMIS programs loaded and access to the TOPMIS training database via wireless or LAN connection. Standards: The students will meet the standard when they understand how to perform the following : Conduct a data element search with Technical Environment Support System (TESS) Produce ORBs from TOPMIS II Update Officer Records using Officer Record Data (ORD) Produce query capabilities Produce RFOs and Requisition Reports from TOPMIS II Produce a strength report Produce TOPMIS file utilities capabilities