Options Introduction Call and put option contracts Notation Definitions Graphical representations (payoff diagrams) Finance 30233, Fall 2010 Advanced Investments S. Mann The Neeley School at TCU S.Mann, 2010
Options Right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell at a fixed price over a time period (t,T) Call option - right to buy at fixed price Put option - right to sell at fixed price fixed price (K) : strike price, exercise price (K = X in BKM) selling an option: write the option Notation: call value (stock price, time remaining, strike price) = c ( S(t) , T-t, K) at expiration (T): c (S(T),0,K) = 0 if S(T) < K S(T) - K if S(T) K or: c(S(T),0,K) = max (0,S(T) - K) S.Mann, 2010
"Moneyness" Call “moneyness” Call value K asset price (S) Put K asset price (S) Out of the money in the money (S < K) (S > K) Put “moneyness” Put value K asset price (S) in the money out of the money (S < K) (S >K) S.Mann, 2010
Call value at maturity c (S(T),0,K) = 0 ; S(T) < K 5 Call value = max (0, S(T) - K) K (K+5) S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Short position in Call: value at maturity c (S(T),0,K) = 0 ; S(T) < K S(T) - K ; S(T) K short is opposite: -c(S(T),0,K) = 0 ; S(T) < K -[S(T)-K] ; S(T) K Value -5 Short call value = min (0, K -S(T)) K (K+5) S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Call profit at maturity Call value at T: c(S(T),0,K) = max(0,S(T)-K) Value Call profit Profit = c(S(T),0,K) - c(S(t),T-t,K) Breakeven point K S(T) Profit is value at maturity less initial price paid. S.Mann, 2010
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Put value at maturity p(S(T),0,K) = K - S(T) ; S(T) K 5 Put value = max (0, K - S(T)) (K-5) K S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Short put position: value at maturity p(S(T),0,K) = K - S(T) ; S(T) K 0 ; S(T) > K short is opposite: -p(S(T),0,K) = S(T) - K ; S(T) K Value -5 Short put value = min (0, S(T)-K) (K-5) K S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Put profit at maturity Put value at T: p(S(T),0,K) = max(0,K-S(T)) put Put value at T: p(S(T),0,K) = max(0,K-S(T)) put profit Profit = p(S(T),0,K) - p(S(t),T-t,K) Breakeven point K S(T) Profit is value at maturity less initial price paid. S.Mann, 2010
Option values at maturity (payoffs) long put long call K K short call short put K K S.Mann, 2010
European Put-Call parity: Asset plus Put Asset plus European put: K K K K S(T) Put Asset plus European put: S(0) + p[S(0),T;K] K S.Mann, 2010
European Put-Call parity: Bond plus Call K K K K S(T) Call Bond + European Call: c[S(0),T;K] + KB(0,T) K S.Mann, 2010
European Put-Call parity: S(0) + p[S(0),T;K] = c[S(0),T;K] + KB(0,T) Value at expiration Position cost now S(T) K S(T) > K Portfolio A: Stock S(0) S(T) S(T) put p[S(0),T;K] K - S(T) 0 total A: S + P K S (T) Portfolio B: Call c[S(0),T;K] 0 S(T) - K Bill KB(0,T) K K total B: C + KB(0,T) K S(T) European Put-Call parity: S(0) + p[S(0),T;K] = c[S(0),T;K] + KB(0,T) S.Mann, 2010
Bull Spread: value at maturity S(0) = $50 value at maturity position: S(T) 45 45 S(T) 50 S(T) > 50 Long call with strike at $45 0 S(T) - 45 S(T) -45 Short call w/ strike at $50 0 0 - [ S(T) - 50] net: 0 S(T) -45 5 10 5 Position value at T 40 45 50 55 60 S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Bear Spread: value at maturity S(0) = $30 value at maturity position: S(T) 25 25 S(T) 35 S(T) >35 Long call with strike at $35 0 0 S(T) -35 Short call w/ strike at $25 0 -[S(T) - 25] - [ S(T) -25] net: 0 25 - S(T) -10 - 5 -10 Position value at T 20 25 30 35 40 S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Butterfly Spread: value at maturity S(0) = $50 value at maturity position: S(T) 45 45 S(T 50 50 S(T) 55 S(T) > 55 Long call , K= $45 0 S(T) - 45 S(T) - 45 S(T) - 45 Short 2 calls, K= $50 0 0 -2 [S(T) - 50] -2[S(T) - 50] Long call , K = $55 0 0 0 S(T) - 55 net: 0 S(T) -45 55 - S(T) 0 10 5 Position value at T 40 45 50 55 60 S(T) S.Mann, 2010
Straddle value at maturity S(0) = $25 value at maturity position: S(T) 25 S(T) > 25 Long call, K= $25 0 S(T) - 45 Long put , K= $25 25 - S(T) 0 net: 25 - S(T) S(T) - 25 10 5 straddle Position value at T Bottom straddle 15 20 25 30 35 S(T) Bottom straddle: call strike > put strike: put K = 23; call K = 27 S.Mann, 2010