Response to Slavery Mikey and Jordan
Big idea: Differences over slavery produced an array of responses from Americans
White abolitionists created campaigns against slavery
Underground Railroad Harriet Tubman Uncle Tom’s Cabin American Antislavery Society Sometimes they used moral arguments, assisted in the escape of slaves, and used violent approaches.
Defenders used racial doctrines to support their beliefs “Positive good” Cannibals All! Minstrel shows
Western Migration
Big idea: migrants moved West in search of land, and opportunity, which created competition and violence.
To obtain self-sufficiency and independence migrants moved to rural and boomtown areas
Tombstone Tombstone produced 40-85 million dollars in silver. It was a dangerous place to be.
Buffalo bill codys Wild West show Started in 1883 and was a show that depicted Indians attacking white settlers and being vicious while heroic Cowboys came in and saved the day.
Frederic Remington Painted pictures of the frontier
Range Wars Fighting over land and water. Between cattle ranchers and homesteaders.