The Purpose Behind Presentations Multimedia Principle The Purpose Behind Presentations
Multimedia Principle + = “Blah,” “Blah,” “Blah,” People learn from words and pictures than from words alone.
The Role of Redundancy The Redundancy Principle – “Redundant components can enhance or distract learning . . .”
An Understanding “People Learn Better From Words and Pictures Than From Words Alone” Power Point Presentations TV Video Games Incomplete Radio Speech Silent Film
Why is this so plain?
Why is this so plain? “No decorative images or non-relevant resources” Nuff Said? Ok, Ok . . . Extra bells and whistles serve as distractions from the main point(s)
Can’t Beat the Real Thing As many principles state: “If I do I understand” – proverb, borrowed from interactivity principle Cognitive Apprenticeship – “learning-through-guided-experience” “Use realistic . . .” – Personalization and Practice Design Principles Multimedia seeks to do this through 3D simulation
Information Flow “Use Interfaces to help cognitive load” How much is too much or too little? Old Facebook vs. New Facebook
So Much Crossover Words and pictures create a level of redundancy . . . So do the principles themselves . . .