2 mark define the term questions… This style of question is looking for you to give a clear and full explanation of what a sociological term means. For example: “Define the term Cultural deprivation” 2 marks Possible answer: The theory that many working class children are inadequately socialised and so lack the ‘right’ culture needed for education. 1 mark 1 mark
Your turn “Define the term Restricted code” 2 marks
The structure for a 2 mark with one example… question Using one example, briefly explain how cultural deprivation may affect educational achievement. [2 marks] Mark Scheme Two marks for a clearly explained example or one mark for a partially explained example, such as: • valuing immediate gratification (1 mark) may lead to pupils leaving school early with fewer qualifications (+1 mark) • having a restricted speech code (1 mark) may prevent pupils understanding teachers, textbooks or exam questions (+1 mark) • fatalistic subcultural values (1 mark) may lead to pupils not trying hard to achieve (+1 mark). Other relevant
Using one example, briefly explain how cultural deprivation may affect educational achievement. [2 marks]
6 mark questions Outline and explain three ways in which parents’ education may influence how they socialise their children (6 marks) 6 mark questions should be answered as if you are doing 3 two mark questions: by stating your way (example) and giving a brief explanation of its impact x3 For example for the question above this would gain you two marks: Parents who have a higher level of education are used to having to study for a long time in order to receive the eventual reward of the qualification this means that they will socialise their children into the same pattern of behaviour, i.e. the value of deferred gratification. Now have a go at writing the next two points in order to gain full marks on this question
Compensatory education Monday, 03 December 2018 Compensatory education Lesson 8: TOPIC: comp ed Definition of compensatory education and can give a relevant example. Why compensatory education schemes are necessary using key terms and scholars. Evaluate whether compensatory education schemes are enough to close the gap Compensatory education, early intervention
What is compensatory education and why is it necessary? Consider programmes like sesame street and places like sure start centres where parenting class, language development sessions and educational play groups are run, what do you think is the purpose of these schemes? Consider what we already know about the educational gaps between middle and working class children. This is compensatory education: Here’s an example of how it works
Developing your knowledge you have 15 minutes for this task Developing your knowledge Read the information carefully and answer the following questions What is compensatory education and why might it be necessary? What is positive discrimination and how is it linked to compensatory education? What is “ Excellence in Cities?” and how can it be viewed as a compensatory education scheme? Power & Whitty (2008) and Kerr & West (2010) are critical of excellence in cities and other schemes, why? Develop Understanding
Now its your turn… Imagine that you have been awarded a grant by Nottingham city council to develop a scheme designed at closing the achievement gap between working class primary school pupils and middle class pupils. You have limited funds and need to decide who the money should be aimed at: the schools, the parents, local libraries or job centres. You can only choose two options and need to justify your decision using sociologists
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