Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module During this lesson, you will be shown how to answer past paper questions. You have two pieces of lined paper. Please write your name on both. One should also say ‘notes’ and the other should say ‘assessment’. Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Figure 15 shows that extensive flooding has taken place. One economic effect of this is that roads are closed. This will stop people from going to work and earning money. A second economic effect is that properties have been damaged. This means that people will have to pay money to repair the damage. Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Figure 15 shows that extensive flooding has taken place. One economic effect of this is that roads are closed. This will stop people from going to work and earning money. A second economic effect is that properties have been damaged. This means that people will have to pay money to repair the damage. If the question says use the figure, start by using the figure! Make a point for one mark and explain it for a second mark. For four marks, make a second point and explain that one too! Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module What about this 2-mark answer? Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Figure 20 shows the different types of moraine found along a glacier. Freeze-thaw weathering takes place on mountain slopes in cold regions. Erosion processes, such as plucking and abrasion, also takes place as a result of the movement of the glacier. This material is carried along by the glacier as moraine. The deposition of this moraine creates unique landforms. Drumlins and erratics are also depositional landforms associated with glaciers. Drumlins are formed by glacial ice acting on underlying unconsolidated till or ground moraine. Erratics are rocks that have been relocated by the glacier. Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module HOW IS IT 6 MARKS AND NOT 4? Figure 20 shows the different types of moraine found along a glacier. Freeze-thaw weathering takes place on mountain slopes in cold regions. Erosion processes, such as plucking and abrasion, also takes place as a result of the movement of the glacier. This material is carried along by the glacier as moraine. The deposition of this moraine creates unique landforms. Drumlins and erratics are also depositional landforms associated with glaciers. Drumlins are formed by glacial ice acting on underlying unconsolidated till or ground moraine. Erratics are rocks that have been relocated by the glacier. Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module HOW IS IT 6 MARKS AND NOT 4? Figure 20 shows the different types of moraine found along a glacier. Freeze-thaw weathering takes place on mountain slopes in cold regions. Erosion processes, such as plucking and abrasion, also takes place as a result of the movement of the glacier. This material is carried along by the glacier as moraine. The deposition of this moraine creates unique landforms. Drumlins and erratics are also depositional landforms associated with glaciers. Drumlins are formed by glacial ice acting on underlying unconsolidated till or ground moraine. Erratics are rocks that have been relocated by the glacier. Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?
Year 10 End of Unit Assessment – Physical Module I will now collect in the assessed pieces and I will review what you have learned. What other questions could you be asked about? Write a definitive guide to exam questions, based on what we’ve talked about today, e.g. Command words. Box them. Describe means….. Explain means….. For 1 and 2 mark answers….. For 4 mark answers….. If asked to use the figure….. If asked to use your own knowledge… For 6 mark answers…. Can I learn from the guidance that my teacher provides when writing her own exam answers? Can I attempt my own answers to exam questions and achieve my target grade?