Year 6 SATs May 2018
Spelling, grammar, punctuation Paper 1 – 45 minutes 50 marks available – short answers and multiple choice Paper 2 – 20 spellings Approx 40 marks to be ‘age related’
Reading 1 hour to answer around 40 questions on three unseen texts, 50 marks in total Mixture of short answers, long answers and multiple choice Around 26 marks to meet ‘age related’
Maths 3 papers: - arithmetic: 30 minutes to answer around 36 questions, 40 marks in total - reasoning: 40 minutes for each paper, around 23 questions on each one, 35 marks available on each 110 marks in total Around 57 marks to be ‘age related’
Results All papers are sent away to be marked externally Results received in school in July Writing is assessed internally by teachers and moderated externally Teacher assessments are also submitted based on evidence in books from across the year
Breakfast Club From 8:30am Monday to Thursday during SATs week Provide toast and juice Children can relax together before the tests
Well-being SAT’s stress busting sessions Revision in a fun way Fish and chip picnic Writer’s workshop Meditation
During SATs week To support your child during the week we suggest: Early bedtime and plenty of rest Breakfast (if not attending breakfast club) Being at school on time Bring a water bottle Positivity
There is more to your child than SATs!