Tuesday 26th August
It is your council… have your say! All Year Groups Pupil Council A quick reminder that Pupil Council application forms have to be submitted to your tutor teachers by Fri 29th Aug. This is a great chance to get involved in the decisions made in Bellahouston. It is your council… have your say!
Clubs Basketball Club Mr Richardson S1-6 boys and girls Tuesday, 3.50pm Middle Gym Netball Club Mrs Moore S1-6 girls only Tuesday, 3.50pm Girls Gym
S5/6 Captaincy Corner Hi guys. We looked at everyone’s feedback sheets from the Induction day and almost everyone commented on wanting a prom so we are looking to set up a Prom Committee. There will be a meeting at Interval today in Maths 5 if you are interested in joining the committee. See you there.
S4 Duke of Edinburgh The S4 pupils who have expressed an interest in completing their Duke of Edinburgh qualifying expedition in October MUST have all of their sections on eDofe completed and signed off by this Friday (29th August). This means that their Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition sections must be up to date. Those pupils who have not entered their evidence by the deadline will not be invited to complete their qualifying expedition in October. Could the following pupils please see Miss Blanning at interval or lunchtime today
Acceptable Use policies FINAL REMINDER Well done to classes 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, 1H and 1I who have all completed and returned their forms! A final reminder to the following pupils: Come on guys! Get your forms in ASAP!