Pair and Group Work – Put Students in Groups


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Presentation transcript:

Pair and Group Work – Put Students in Groups

How do you group your young leaners? Paired Discussion How do you group your young leaners? Preview What do you consider when preparing to group young learners? Ask participants to choose a partner they haven’t spoken with yet and respond to the prompt. After two to three minutes, call on a few new participants who haven’t spoken yet to share their idea with the whole group.

Video In this video segment, listen for ways to strategically group students. Remind participants that they can take notes on Handout 11.1 in the “Put students in groups” section, but they will also have time after the video to write some ideas. Play the video.

You should always group students by proficiency level. You should plan groups in advance rather than let students select their own groups. True False You should always group students by proficiency level. Review To review, answer the questions and explain why the answers are True or False. The second one is false because sometimes it is good to have mixed groups so that stronger students can support and model for others. Encourage participants to include any important ideas on their handout under the “put students in groups” section. Answers: True False