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Presentation transcript:

Unified Improvement Planning: Target Setting and Action Planning (School Level) Hosted by: Colorado Department of Education Provided by: Center for Transforming Learning and Teaching Version 1.3

Introductions Center for Transforming Learning and Teaching Julie Oxenford O’Brian Colorado Department of Education John Condie Erin Loften Lisa Medler Kathryn Smukler Version 1.3

Session Purpose Ensure planning teams are prepared to identify performance targets and develop action plans as part of unified improvement planning. Version 1.4

Unified Improvement Planning Processes today Gather and Organize Data Preparing to Plan Section IV: Target Setting Section IV: Action Planning Section III: Data Narrative Review Performance Summary Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Major Improvement Strategies Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Identify Interim Measures Identify Implementation Benchmarks UIP Handbook, p. 3 Version 1.4

Introductions Share: Name, Job Title, School/District Your role in supporting unified improvement planning within the district Your most burning question about target setting and/or action planning. Write your question on a sticky note. Version 1.4

Norms The standards of behavior by which we agree to operate while we are engaged in learning together.

Materials Version 1.4

Capturing Notes Today Planning for Target Setting and Action Planning (Toolkit, p. 1) School (or District) Target Setting Form, excerpt from the UIP Template (Toolkit p. 3) Action Planning Form for 2012-13 and 2013-14, excerpt from the UIP template (Toolkit, p. 21) Version 1.3

Session Outcomes Set a performance target for at least one priority performance challenge. Plan for setting performance targets for remaining priority performance challenges. Identify possible interim measures to be used to monitor progress towards performance targets. Describe a major improvement strategy that responds to the root cause of a performance challenge. Plan to identify additional major improvement strategies and associated action steps. Engage in hands-on learning activities and dialogue with colleagues. Access additional resources. Complete follow-up activities. Version 1.3

Agenda Review Data Narrative Elements Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Develop Action Steps Version 1.4

Effective Feedback Clear, descriptive, criterion-based, and indicate: √ how their response differed from that reflected in quality criteria, and √ how they can move forward (what they might do next). Version 1.3

Provide feedback about Priority Performance Challenges and Root Causes Choose a partner school/district team. With your partner exchange your completed Data Analysis Worksheet. Consider: To what degree do their priority performance challenges and associated root causes meet the relevant quality criteria? Is it clear how root causes could explain the priority performance challenges? How could these components be improved? Provide feedback to your partner school/district. Version 1.3

Responding to Feedback Consider the feedback you received: How did it go providing feedback about another school/district plan? What did you learn? How will you respond to the feedback you received? Make any needed revisions to your priority performance challenges and root causes. Large-group share out. Version 1.3

Agenda Review Data Narrative Elements Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Develop Action Steps Version 1.4

Action Planning: Two Processes Ensuring future activities are headed in the right direction: Clarifying Performance Targets Identifying Interim Measures. Identifying Major Improvement Strategies Action steps, Timeline ,Resources Implementation Benchmarks Version 1.4

Unified Improvement Planning Processes Gather and Organize Data Preparing to Plan Section IV: Target Setting Section IV: Action Planning Section III: Data Narrative Review Performance Summary Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Major Improvement Strategies Identify Interim Measures Identify Implementation Benchmarks UIP Handbook, p. 3 Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Version 1.4

Review: Metrics Answer the following questions with your team: What is a metric? (reference: Planning Terminology, UIP Handbook, p. 34) What are the “state required” metrics for each performance indicator area? (Performance Indicators, Measures, Metrics and Expectations, UIP Handbook, p. 8- 11) What additional metrics should be considered for academic growth and academic growth gaps (hint: part of adequate growth percentile)? Version 1.3

UIP Template: School/ District Goals Worksheet Consider the following handouts: School/District Target Setting Form, excerpt from the UIP template (Toolkit p. 3) School/District Goals Form: Set Annual Targets and Identify Interim Measures (UIP Handbook, p. 21) – stop reading above identifying comparison points. Be prepared to answer these questions: Where in the UIP template will annual performance targets be recorded? How many performance targets should a school/district set? For what years? What are the basic steps in setting performance targets? Version 1.4

How to set performance targets Focus on a priority performance challenge. Determine a comparison point. Consider state expectations. Consider district expectations. Determine the gap between current performance and the comparison point. Determine a time frame for closing the gap. Determine progress needed in the next two years. Describe annual performance targets for the next two years. Version 1.3

How to Set Performance Targets Focus on a priority performance challenge Determine a comparison point (expectation against which current performance is compared) Determine a time frame to meet expectations Determine progress needed in the next two years Describe annual performance targets for two years Version 1.3

Setting Annual Performance Targets Turn to Setting Performance Targets Worksheet (Toolkit, p. 5). A tool to “scaffold” the setting of annual performance targets. A guide through each step. Use a copy to set performance targets for each priority performance challenge. Version 1.3

Focus on a Priority Performance Challenge Working with your team. . . Identify at least one priority performance challenge that will be the focus of your target setting today. Write that priority performance challenge on the first row of the Setting Performance Targets Worksheet, (Toolkit, p. 5). What metric(s) are included in your priority performance challenge? Use this worksheet after today to identify performance targets for your other priority performance challenges. Version 1.3

How to Set Performance Targets Focus on a priority performance challenge Determine a comparison point (expectation against which current performance is compared) Determine a time frame to meet expectations Determine progress needed in the next two years Describe annual performance targets for two years Version 1.3

Determine a Comparison Point Individually read Identifying Comparison Points (UIP Handbook, p. 21-22) Discuss: What is a “comparison point”? How is this similar to “what makes a trend notable”? How are the suggested “comparison points” different across performance indicator areas? Does our district establish performance expectations that we should consider as comparison points for our current performance? Version 1.3

Consider Minimum State Expectations Provided in the Performance Framework Reports (excerpted as the SPF Rubrics, Toolkit, p. 11). The value for which a rating of “meets” would be assigned for the state metric in each sub-indicator area. Academic Achievement: the 50th percentile of % proficient or advanced for Colorado schools. Academic Growth and Growth Gaps: MGP of 55 if MGP is < AGP, and 45 otherwise. Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness: Graduation rate at or above 80%, Drop-Out rate at or below the state average, and Colorado ACT Composite Score at or above the state average. Version 1.3

Comparison Points Turn to Selecting Comparison Points (Toolkit, p. 7). Tool to support your selection of a comparison point for target setting for your priority performance challenges. Includes: Academic Achievement Academic Growth/ Growth Gaps Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness Note: Also consider any performance expectations established by the district. Version 1.3

Academic Achievement Comparison Points Metric: Percent proficient and advanced. Possible comparison points. %P/A that would receive a “meets” rating = the 50th percentile for Colorado schools for the 2009-10 school year (baseline) The %P/A that would receive an “exceeds” rating = the 90th percentile for Colorado schools for the 2009- 10 school year. Other metrics: % or N unsatisfactory Version 1.3

Determining Academic Achievement Comparison Points Consider the 50th and 90th percentile of Colorado schools for % proficient or advanced (SPF Rubrics, Toolkit, p. 11): Your school level (elem, middle, high) The content area(s) that is the focus of your priority performance challenge(s). Is your school’s %P/A at or above the typical school in Colorado (50th percentile value)? Is your school’s %P/A above the school at the 90th percentile? What will be your comparison point for academic achievement? Version 1.3

Academic Growth Comparison Points Metric: Median Growth Percentile (MGP) Comparison Points: If MGP < Median Adequate Growth Percentile (AGP), performance “meets” minimum expectations of MGP = 55th percentile; “exceeds” if MGP = 70th percentile. If MGP >= AGP, MGP = 45th percentile; “exceeds” if MGP= 60th percentile. Also consider MGP = AGP. Version 1.3

Determining Growth and Growth Gap Comparison Points for MGP On which students do your priority performance challenge(s) focus? For which content area(s)? For that group of students, is your school’s median growth percentile < median adequate growth percentile? If yes, choose 55 as a comparison point. If no, choose 45 (or 50) as a comparison point. Does your growth percentile already exceed 55? Consider choosing the Median Adequate Growth Percentile as your comparison point. Version 1.3

Academic Growth Comparison Points (CUKUMU) Metrics Comparison Points % making catch-up growth State % making catch-up growth District % making catch-up growth 100% making catch-up growth % making keep-up growth State % making keep-up growth District % making keep-up growth 100% making keep-up growth % making move-up growth State % making move-up growth District % making move-up growth 100% making move-up growth Version 1.3

Determining CUKUMU Comparison Points On which students do your priority performance challenge(s) focus? For which content area(s)? For which metric (cu, ku or mu)? For that group of students, does the CUKUMU percent exceed: District % State % 100% Choose your comparison point. Version 1.3

Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness Comparison Points Metrics Possible Comparison Points Graduation Rate (4, 5, 6, 7-year) Minimum state expectation = 80% Exceeds rating: at or above 90% Disaggregated Graduation Rate (4, 5, 6, 7-year) Drop-out Rate Minimum state expectation 3.6% (1-year) or 3.9% (3-year) Exceeds rating: at or below 1% Average Colorado ACT Composite Score 20.0 (1-year) 20.1 (3-year) Exceeds rating: at or above 22 Version 1.3

Setting Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness Targets What metric(s) will be the focus of your post-secondary and workforce readiness target(s)? Are you currently below minimum state expectations for that metric? If so, select minimum state expectations as your comparison point. If not, select the state “exceeds” rate for your comparison point. Consider: Are there other post-secondary and workforce readiness metrics for which you could set performance targets? Version 1.3

Additional PWR Metrics 4-, 5-, 6- and 7-year completion rates. Percent of students earning a year’s worth of credits in a year’s time. Career and Technical Education course completion rate Number and percentage of students successfully transitioning into a recognized adult education program (w/out diploma or GED) Percent/number of students enrolling in a Colorado post-secondary institution within one year after graduation Percent of recent graduates attending Colorado public institutions that required remediation. AP/IB participation Percent/number of students scoring high enough on AP/IB tests to receive college credit ACT scores by content area Version 1.3

Metrics and Comparison Points Use the Setting Performance Targets Worksheet, (Toolkit, p. 5) For your focus priority performance challenge, identify for what metric(s) you will set performance targets. Note your current level of performance for your priority performance challenge (on that metric or those metrics). Identify what your comparison point will be for that priority performance challenge (for each metric). Note the gap between your current performance and the comparison point. Version 1.1

How to Set Performance Targets Focus on a priority performance challenge Determine a comparison point (expectation against which current performance is compared) Determine a time frame to meet expectations Determine progress needed in the next two years Describe annual performance targets for two years Version 1.3

Timeframe and the Next Two Years Discuss the following with your team: Have we received a Priority Improvement or Turnaround (PITA) designation? When? By what year is our school/district required to at least meet minimum state expectations (within 5 years of PITA designation)? Within what timeframe will we reach the comparison point? What progress do we need to make this year? Next year? Capture your answers in the Setting Performance Targets Worksheet, (Toolkit, p. 5) Version 1.3

How to Set Performance Targets Focus on a priority performance challenge Determine a comparison point (expectation against which current performance is compared) Determine a time frame to meet expectations Determine progress needed in the next two years Describe annual performance targets for two years Version 1.3

Writing Performance Targets Take out Writing Annual Performance Targets (Toolkit, p. 17). Consider the example targets in the top two rows. Use this tool to scaffold your writing of performance targets. Write at least one annual performance target for your focus priority performance challenge. Version 1.3

Planning to Set Performance Targets Take out Planning for Target Setting and Action Planning (Toolkit, p. 1) Make notes about: Current status of setting performance targets How you will complete this work Who will be involved and when What tools you will use (check on district performance expectations) Version 1.3

Agenda Review Data Narrative Elements Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Develop Action Steps Version 1.4

Interim Measures Consider: Interim Measures section in the UIP Handbook (p. 22). UIP Quality Criteria for Interim Measures Work with a partner to answer these questions: What are interim measures? How frequently do they need to be available during the school year? How frequently do schools/district need to monitor progress using interim measures? What must be included in the description of interim measures in the School/District Target Setting Form? Version 1.3

Interim Measures Interim measures must be identified for each target. Data from interim measures should be available more than once during the school year. Across all interim measures, data should be available that would allow schools to monitor progress at least quarterly. Examples: District Benchmark Assessment, NWEA MAPS, Galileo, Acuity, DIBELS, commonly administered end-of-unit assessments Measures, metrics and availability should be specified in the School Goals Form. Version 1.4

What interim measures do you have available? Consider your Inventory of Performance Data, (Toolkit, p. 19) Work with your team to generate a list of interim measures available within your school or district. Consider: Which interim measures would best align to our performance target? Are there gaps in the interim measures that are available to you? Version 1.3

More help with Interim Measures Progress Monitoring Sessions will provide additional support on identifying interim measures. In preparation for that session. . . Complete your Inventory of Performance Data (Toolkit, p. 19). Include as much information as you can about when different assessment results will be available. Complete your Writing Annual Performance Targets, (Toolkit, p. 17). Version 1.3

Agenda Review Data Narrative Elements Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Develop Action Steps Version 1.4

Unified Improvement Planning Processes Gather and Organize Data Preparing to Plan Section IV: Target Setting Section IV: Action Planning Section III: Data Narrative Review Performance Summary Describe Notable Trends Prioritize Performance Challenges Identify Root Causes Set Performance Targets Identify Major Improvement Strategies Ongoing: Progress Monitoring Identify Interim Measures Identify Implementation Benchmarks UIP Handbook, p. 3 Version 1.4

Major Improvement Strategies Work with a partner to review: Action Planning Form, excerpt from UIP template (Toolkit, p. 21) Action Planning Form: Identify Major Improvement Strategies (UIP Handbook, p. 23-24) Be prepared to answer these questions: To what must major improvement strategies respond? What information must be included about each major improvement strategy? Version 1.4

Major Improvement Strategies Respond to root causes of the performance problems the school/district is attempting to remedy. Action steps are smaller steps required to carry out major improvement strategies. Action Steps must be associated with timeline, resources, people, implementation benchmarks, and status. Version 1.4

Turnaround Schools For schools with Turnaround Plan Types, Major Improvement Strategies must include one of the seven Turnaround Options. Some school with Turnaround Plans may be in the second or third year of implementing one of these options. Schools with these plan types must also complete additional addendum as part of their UIPs. Version 1.3

Reviewing Turnaround Options Work with a partner. Consider Turnaround Options, (Toolkit, p. 23). Silently read one row in the chart (individually). When each partner has completed a row, look up and “say something.” Something might be a question, a brief summary, a key point, an interesting idea or personal connection to the text. Continue until you complete all of the rows in the chart. Version 1.3

Additional Federal Requirements Schools and districts that participate in federal programs may also be required to complete additional addendum to their UIPs. Consider: Pre-populated UIP Template for 2012-14 UIP Quality Criteria Use Meeting Additional State or Federal Planning Requirements, (Toolkit, p. 25) Check any additional requirements that apply to your school/district. Version 1.3

UIP Addendum Available in “word” format on the CDE web site: http://www.cde.state.co.us/uip/UIP_Templates.asp Should be added to the end of the UIP file before submission. Version 1.3

Existing Major Improvement Strategies Take out the your prior year UIP. Compare your current priority performance challenges and root causes to those from your prior year’s UIP. To what degree have your priority performance challenges changed or remained the same? To what degree have your root causes changed or remained the same? Version 1.3

Reviewing Prior Year Major Improvement Strategies With your team, discuss the following questions: How successful have our major improvement strategies from last year been at improving our performance in prioritized areas? To what degree have our prior year major improvement strategies been implemented? To what degree are our existing major improvement strategies likely to eliminate the root causes of our updated priority performance challenges? Version 1.3

Reviewing Prior Year Major Improvement Strategies Label each of your prior year major improvement strategies with one of the following: Continue, just update status of action steps. Continue, with modification to action steps. Do not continue. Version 1.3

Developing New Major Improvement Strategies Consider Developing Major Improvement Strategies, (Toolkit, p. 27). This is both a note-catcher and a job aide for developing major improvement strategies. Use this form for each new major improvement strategy you develop. Version 1.3

Practicing Developing Major Improvement Strategies Today: Develop one major improvement strategy. On the top of the Developing Major Improvement Strategies (Toolkit, p. 27), write: Priority Performance Challenge (focus for today) Associated Root Cause (s) Additional major improvement strategy development will be follow-up after today. Version 1.3

Identifying New Major Improvement Strategies Focus on a priority performance challenge and the root cause(s). Consider research. Identify a desired future (if action is taken to dissolve root cause(s), from the perspective of various local stakeholders). Identify strategies to get to the desired future. Articulate a Theory of Action (If, then, and then). Re-write as a major improvement strategy. Version 1.3

Contextualize with Research Research provides context for selection of major improvement strategies. Consider the following research summaries (Toolkit, pp. 31-63): Failed Turnaround Strategies What Rural Districts are Doing Breaking the Habit of Low Performance Case Studies Will any of these inform your strategies? Version 1.3

Additional Information to Consider CDE provides a variety of resources and technical assistance related to areas where schools and districts may have performance gaps. Consider the list of resources from CDE associated with typical root causes. Discuss: Are there resources available from CDE that we should consider? Make notes about what resources you will review from CDE. Version 1.3

How to Identify Major Improvement Strategies Focus on a priority performance challenge and the root cause(s). Consider research. Identify a desired future (if action is taken to dissolve root cause(s), from the perspective of various local stakeholders). Identify strategies to get to the desired future. Articulate a Theory of Action (If, then, and then). Re-write as a major improvement strategy. Version 1.3

Describe your Desired Future If root causes are eliminated . . . What will these different groups be doing differently? Students Staff members Leadership team Parents / Community Examples: All students monitor the progress of their learning towards grade level expectations on a weekly basis and set personal learning goals. Teachers daily use data about learning formatively to refocus instruction on their students’ needs. Staff members consistently implement identified practices in effective literacy instruction. Version 1.3

Describing the desired future Create your Desired Future add details in the Developing Major Improvement Strategies (Toolkit, p. 27). Consider the perspectives of the following audiences: Students Staff members Leadership team Parents / Community Version 1.3

How to Identify Major Improvement Strategies Focus on a priority performance challenge and the root cause(s). Consider research. Identify a desired future (if action is taken to dissolve root cause(s), from the perspective of various local stakeholders). Identify strategies to get to the desired future. Articulate a Theory of Action (If, then, and then). Re-write as a major improvement strategy. Version 1.3

Brainstorm major improvement strategies in this outer circle Research Desired Future Brainstorm major improvement strategies in this outer circle Root Cause Case Studies Turnaround Options Flow maps used with permission from Thinking Maps, Inc. Specific training required before implementing Thinking Maps. For more information, visit www.thinkingmaps.com. Version 1.3

Brainstorm potential STRATEGIES Focus on one root cause. Create a circle map with “Root Cause(s) ____in the middle. Include the preferred future in the frame. Brainstorm major strategies that would dissolve the root cause(s) One strategy per post-it note. Stay at the major strategy level. Post all ideas on the circle map. Prioritize your strategies (indicate highest priority). Capture notes in the Developing Major Improvement Strategies (Toolkit, p. 27). Version 1.3

How to Identify Major Improvement Strategies Focus on a priority performance challenge and the root cause(s). Consider research. Identify a desired future (if action is taken to dissolve root cause(s), from the perspective of various local stakeholders). Identify strategies to get to the desired future. Articulate a Theory of Action (If, then, and then). Re-write as a major improvement strategy. Version 1.3

Articulate a THEORY of ACTION For your priority improvement strategies, articulate a theory of action. Format: If … [teacher / adult actions] Then … [student behaviors / student learning / etc.] And … [measures for assessing growth Version 1.3

THEORY of ACTION example If… Then… And… This converts an explanation or process into an essential instructional practice. This describes what students will be able to do as a result. This identifies how to assess the implementation of teacher practices and student learning. If teachers fully teach and assess the new K-5 year-end writing outcomes and share them with students… …Then students will have common, spiraling expectations and vocabulary, which will improve their achievement… …And ongoing teacher records will show the progress students are making towards meeting year-end writing outcomes. Version 1.3

Theory of Action Articulate your Theory of Action Make sure to include If. . ., Then. . ., And. . Capture in the Developing Major Improvement Strategies job aide (Toolkit, p. 27). Write your theory of action as a major improvement strategy. Version 1.3

Plan to Develop Major Improvement Strategies Take out Planning for Target Setting and Action Planning (Toolkit, p. 1) Make notes about: Current status of major improvement strategies How you will complete this work Who will be involved and when What tools you will use Version 1.3

Agenda Review Data Narrative Elements Set Performance Targets Identify Interim Measures Identify Major Improvement Strategies Develop Action Steps Version 1.4

Action Steps Action Steps Timeline Key Personnel Resources Implementation Benchmarks Status Action steps must be defined for each major improvement strategy. Implementing all of the action steps = implementing the major improvement strategy. Version 1.3

What requirements must Action Steps meet? Review Unified Improvement Plan Quality Criteria: Action Steps. A number of criteria for action steps are program specific. Consider: Based on state accountability plan type and program designations, what action step criteria apply to my school/district? UIP Addenda facilitate school and district efforts to meet federal requirements through their plan. Version 1.3

External Vendors If the school/district will employ external vendors (see for example turnaround option iii), the plan should include: Major activity (action steps) undertaken by the external vendor, Timeline for those activities, Resources that will pay for the external vendor, and Implementation benchmarks for the activities of the external vendor. Version 1.3

How to develop Action Steps Do a force field analysis in reference to your major improvement strategy Identify driving forces Identify restraining forces Prioritize restraining forces. Identify action steps that would eliminate or weaken your restraining forces (in priority order). Take out Force Field Analysis, (Toolkit, p. 67). Version 1.3

Force-Field Analysis: Mind-set Change is a dynamic process that generates energy and movement in individuals and in organizations. Change can be viewed as a dynamic between forces seeking to maintain a status quo, and forces seeking to drive the status quo to change. When driving forces are the stronger force, change moves forward. When restraining forces are stronger or equal to the driving forces, movement can be blocked or stalled. – Ken Lewin (Force Field Analysis developer). Version 1.3

What does a Force-Field Analysis do? Helps people to think together about all the facets of a desired change; Develops consensus as an environmental scan, enabling participants to articulate key dynamics relevant to an upcoming change Aids in comparing the positives and negatives of a situation; Encourages creative thinking; Promotes agreement about the relative priority of restraining versus driving factors; and it Provides a starting point for the selection of action steps. Page 47 Version 1.3

When should a force field analysis be used? after major improvement strategies have been identified when it is unclear which actions to prioritize when planners want to put new actions into the existing context when a team wants to maximize the success of a new venture either by approaching change from the perspective of strengthening driving forces or by reducing restraining forces. Version 1.3

How is a force field analysis conducted? Focus on a major improvement strategy. Brainstorm and list on the left side of a T-chart the existing forces/factors that support or are driving the school TOWARD the strategy. Brainstorm and list on the right the existing forces/factors that are holding the school back or driving it AWAY from the strategy. Clarify, explain, reach agreement on the items that have been charted. Eliminate duplications and combine items as needed. Rank the “restraining forces” from most to least important (can be done individually and combined, or as a group) Begin identifying action steps by addressing the restraining forces with the highest ranking numbers. Version 1.3

Activity: Force Field Analysis Review Force Field Analysis, section titled “How to engage in force field analysis” (Toolkit, p. 67) Use the force field analysis note catcher Write your major improvement strategy at the top of the page. Brainstorm driving forces and restraining forces (15 min). Note: driving and restraining forces do not have to be parallel. Prioritize the restraining forces (5 min). Version 1.3

Develop Action Steps Start with the highest priority restraining forces (work towards the lowest priority) For each, identify action steps to reduce or eliminate the restraining force. For each action step, to determine: Timing (when it will be implemented) Person responsible Resources (that will be used) Capture in the UIP Template, Action Planning Form Version 1.3

Practice: Develop Action Steps Select your top two priority restraining forces. Identify at least two action steps to counteract your restraining forces. Capture your action steps in the Action Planning Form, excerpted from the UIP Template (Toolkit, p. 21). Note the timing, person(s) responsible, and resources that will be used. Version 1.3

Plan to Develop Action Steps Take out Planning for Target Setting and Action Planning (Toolkit, p. 1) Make notes about: Current status of action steps How you will complete this work Who will be involved and when What tools you will use Version 1.3

School and District Accountability Committee Roles State statute requires schools and districts to involve their School and District Accountability Committee’s in improvement planning. Consider which ever applies, excerpted from the District Accountability Handbook: DAC Roles (Toolkit, p. 71) SAC Roles (Toolkit, p. 69) Discuss: How do you involve your DAC and/or SAC in improvement planning? Version 1.3

Plan Review Consider Planning Requirements and State Review of Plans (UIP Handbook, p. 25.) Will your plan be reviewed at the state level? What is your internal (district) process for plan review? When will SACs/DACs review plans? When will district staff review plans? Will your local board review your plan? When? What are the implications for when you must have a completed draft of your plan? Version 1.3

Next Steps Finalize Annual Performance Targets (School/District Target Setting Form). Inventory locally available performance data. Identify major improvement strategies and action steps (Action Planning Form). Next Session: Progress Monitoring Interim Measures Implementation Benchmarks Schedule and process for monitoring progress at least quarterly Version 1.3

Give us Feedback!! Written: Use sticky notes + the aspects of this session that you liked or worked for you. The things you will change in your practice or that you would change about this session. ? Question that you still have or things we didn’t get to today Ideas, ah-has, innovations Oral: Share one ah ha!