Non-Motorized Safety Planning in SW Michigan The TwinCATS Walk & Roll Plan 4/26/2012
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Background Benton Harbor MPO formed non-motorized subcommittee in 2009 Tasked with improving the non-motorized attributes of MPO-funded road projects Final plan completed in 2011 and amended into Long Range Plan
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Content Table and maps indicating locations of particular importance for better infrastructure Results from a series of public input sessions Detailing of specific obstacles faced by area non-motorized users Mapping of origins and destinations Analysis of population groups with specific non-motorized needs
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Safety Materials Analysis of all bike and pedestrian crashes between 2000 and end of 2009 Mapping of all accident locations Tabulation of accidents by road segment, by mid-block and intersection location Tabulation of accidents by severity in different municipalities
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Safety Materials
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Safety Materials
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Safety Materials Assessment of road segments with unsafe conditions Lack of facilities and difficult conditions High vehicle volumes and speeds Wide crossings Evidence of need and use in unsafe locations Listing of resources that guide better design ADA standards AASHTO guidebooks ITE guidebooks FHWA selection tools
Walk & Roll Plan Overview: Safety Materials
Walk & Roll Plan: Next Steps Walk & Roll Subcommittee follow-up Development of MPO Complete Streets Policy Development of better MPO project selection criteria Assembly of "Top Ten List" of highly prioritized locations Expand use of safety resources Highway Safety Manual Detailed incident reports Expand geographic focus Niles area MPO Entire Region 4
Thank You Questions, Comments, Suggestions: Trevor Thomas 269-925-1137 X24 Suzann Flowers 269-925-1137 X17