Ch.10.4 Notes America as a World Power Assignment #48 OBJECTIVE: Understand U.S. foreign policy under President Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson.
The Panama Canal Building a passageway between the Pacific & Atlantic was an old idea. Roosevelt felt the U.S. could do it & began immediately. Panamanian revolt vs. Colombia allows U.S. to build unchallenged. Construction begins 1904 finished 1914.
Big Stick Diplomacy Teddy Roosevelt “speak softly and carry a big stick” Roosevelt Corollary- an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the U.S. has the right to keep Europe out of Latin America by using military force. Requires a strong navy/military.
Dollar Diplomacy William Taft; using economic rather than military power to control Latin America. Money over guns. Nicaragua was near bankruptcy- U.S. banks stepped in to loan money. In return, they controlled railroads, plantations, mines etc.
Missionary Diplomacy Woodrow Wilson; expanding on the Monroe Doctrine with a moral tone. The U.S. could deny recognition to any Latin American government they felt were oppressive, undemocratic, or opposed to U.S. business interests.
Mexican Revolution Mexican revolution tested Missionary Diplomacy and Wilson stood by his claim. Hostilities between Mexico & U.S. bring them to the brink of war. American intervention in Mexico showed how far the U.S. would go in protecting its economic interests.
Ch.10.4 Review Chart U.S. President Foreign Policy Description a. Big Stick Diplomacy b. Use economic power to control Latin America. c. Woodrow Wilson