Mozambique’s public sector perspectives and experiences in the implementation of the OIE Aquatic Animal Health Standards A.P. BALOI (1), F.M. CIPRIANO (2) and F.E. JANUÁRIO (1) (1) Ministry of Fisheries, National Institute for Fish Inspection, Mozambique. (2) Ministry of Agriculture, National Directorate of Veterinary Services, Mozambique. Presented at the Global Conference on Aquatic Animal Health Programmes Their benefits for global food security Panama – 29/06/2011 Presented by: Florência M. Cipriano 03-12-2018 1
Organization and Animal health institutions Content Introduction Organization and Animal health institutions Developed activities in view of OIE guidelines and standards Challenges Perspectives Conclusions 03-12-2018
11 Provinces 128 Districts Introduction 799.380 Km2 GEOGRAPHIC DATA 799.380 Km2 11 Provinces 128 Districts 20.530.714 Inhabitants 03-12-2018
MOZAMBICAN GOVERNMENT’S Introduction MOZAMBICAN GOVERNMENT’S TOP PRIORITY To develop and expand shrimp marine aquaculture. REASONS High value of shrimp that comprises penaeidae family mainly Penaeus monodon and Penaeus indicus. High demand of the wild stock, Opportunity for the improvement of per capita consumption of fishery products presently 7.8 kg below FAO recommended ratio of 18 kg. Recently approved Master Plan establishes that in 2019 per capita consumption should reach 11.11 kg 03-12-2018
Introduction IMPLICATIONS New Challenge with regard to aquatic animal diseases Need of having in place adequate diagnostic capacity and properly equipped laboratories Well organized veterinary services Well trained veterinary staff 03-12-2018
Introduction The potential of marine aquaculture in Mozambique (Source: Min. of Fisheries report, 2007) 77,592 ha in ponds, 32,124 ha in cages and 10,591 ha for marine algae. The commercial marine shrimp production exploits an area of 2,500 ha in a semi-intensive system with yearly shrimp production of around 1,000 tons The inland fish production is estimated in 100 tons per year 03-12-2018
Organization and animal health institutions National Directorate of Veterinary Services (DNSV) National Institute for Aquaculture Development (INAQUA) National Fisheries Research Institute (IIP) National Institute for Fish Inspection (INIP) National institute for Agrarian Research (IIAM) 03-12-2018
REGARDING ANIMAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION OF AQUATIC ANIMALS REGARDING ANIMAL HEALTH The OIE focal point for aquatic animal health is the National Institute for Fish Inspection –(INIP) that falls under the Ministry of Fisheries. Other institutions with activities on aquatic animals include: National Institute for Aquaculture Development (INAQUA) National Fisheries Research Institute (IIP) The National Institute for Agricultural Research (IIAM) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-Eduardo Mondlane University . 03-12-2018
Aquatic animals Competent Authority The National Institute for Fish Inspection (INIP) Created in 2005 by Decree 18/2005 of 24th of June Responsibilities Sanitary licensing and monitoring of aquaculture plants/farms; Inspection and health certification for aquatic export products; Report on country’s disease status and freedom from specific diseases. Staff: Represented in all 10 provinces - Fish inspectors: 25 veterinary doctors, 18 medium level technicians and Laboratory analysis in 3 main laboratories and 2 inspection facilities - staff :11 high level skilled and 12 Bachelors 03-12-2018
Location of Focal Point for Aquatic Animals (Main Headquarters and Regional Representation) Legend: Delegation Laboratory INIP Headquarters Inspection Dept 03-12-2018
THE ROLE OF OTHER PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ON AQUATIC ANIMALS The National Institute for Aquaculture Development (INAQUA) Created in 2009 by Decree 28/2008 of 3rd of July Responsibilities Promotion of aquaculture development; Monitoring of activities related to aquaculture sector; Assures sustainable exploitation of the available aquatic species and aquatic areas suitable for the development of aquaculture activities. 03-12-2018
THE ROLE OF OTHER PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ON AQUATIC ANIMALS The National Fisheries Research Institute (IIP) Performs research work related to selection and adaptation of cultivated species Researches the selection and adaptation of cultivable species Performs genetic studies of selected species for cultivation Develops and recommends the use of sustainable techniques for species production Performs pathological studies and recommends the use of in aquatic 03-12-2018
THE ROLE OF OTHER PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS ON AQUATIC ANIMALS The National Institute for Agricultural Research (IIAM) Is a branch of the Belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture Has a Central Veterinary Laboratory capable of performing histopathology and diagnosis of shrimp diseases. At present it only prepares samples for histopathology through cutting and staining of fish gonads. The reading and interpretation of the results are made by foreign sources eg. Fisheries Research Institute For performing complete testing of fish diseases including both histopathology and PCR the staff requires training and acquire reagents Faculty of Veterinary Has a laboratory capable of performing Polymerase Chain Reaction test (PCR) for aquatic animals. 03-12-2018
Developed activities in view of OIE guidelines and standards The nomination of the OIE Focal Point for aquatic Animal Health was an important step forward for Mozambique because: Created the bases for improvement of compliance with OIE standards and guidelines Enlightened the role of disease communication and Revealed the importance of coordination between veterinary authority and the Competent Authority for Aquatic animals regarding collecting and reporting of information on disease in line with OIE requirements which improve market access of aquatic animal products 03-12-2018
Developed activities in view of OIE guidelines and standards TRAINING OF STAFF Attendance of WAHIS workshop for Aquatic Animals Focal Points held in Malawi (2010) – OIE SRR Southern African Region (SADC) Regional seminars and workshops regarding aquatics animals undertaken. At national level, INIP staff attended a training on “Diseases of fish and aquatic species facilitated Spain The attendance to OIE general sessions of aquatic animal health specialists since 2007. 03-12-2018
UP COMING OIE MISSIONS FOR MOZAMBIQUE Challenges and Perspectives UP COMING OIE MISSIONS FOR MOZAMBIQUE Country request for the OIE-PVS Evaluation Mission Approval by the OIE Director General IEPVS Evaluating Mission scheduled for next September 03-12-2018
Challenges and Perspectives Expectations: Benefit from PVS and subsequent OIE related missions and outcomes - will enable the Competent Authority for aquatic animals to improve on different aspects regarding the compliance with international standards. National legislation harmonized with OIE standards and guidelines approved and implemented in Mozambique. Established in the country the capacity for recognition and diagnosing of major aquatic animal diseases. 03-12-2018
THANK YOU 03-12-2018