Introduction to Agriculture March 1999 Sheep Management Introduction to Agriculture March 1999
Vocabulary Ewe Ram Wether female sheep male used for breeding castrated male
Vocabulary - cont. Fleece Wool blindness wool condition of wool covering face
Sheep Information Puberty -- reached at 5 - 7 mos. Estrus period -- 30 - 35 hrs. Estrus cycle -- 16 days Gestation -- 150 days
Sheep Management Breed as yearling 5-6 years breeding life
Breeding Season & Management Shorter days & cooler weather Flushing -- increase protein to stimulate ovulation Shear dock
Care of Ram Marking Harness -- change every 16 days Shear all over -- belly & chest 1 ram / 20-30 ewes
Lambing Management Signs of Lambing Lambing Pen vulva swells udder swells - milk 12 - 24 hours Sink in hips 24 - 48 hours Lambing Pen Clean Draft free Watch closely
Lambing Management Born -- Lamb Dry lamb Remove mucus Colostrum Cut cord Heat lamp
Processing Lambs 3 days of age Dock tail Injections Castrate ~ 1 week Iron Vitamin E -- prevent white muscle Castrate ~ 1 week