Another way Here is a different, possibly better way to deal with the problem of the height (e.g. 5-11) being converted to a date (e.g. May 11, 2004) when copied to Excel. We copy to Word, do a replacement, then copy to Excel. CSC 240 (Blum)
Copy and paste tabled data from website to Microsoft Word. CSC 240 (Blum)
Go to Edit/Replace CSC 240 (Blum)
Replace 5- with 5, and 6- with 6, Replace 5- with 5, and 6- with 6,. We could simply replace – with , but we want to make sure there are no –’s that we would want to keep. If there were phone numbers or zip codes even this precaution would be good enough. CSC 240 (Blum)
Copy from Word and paste to Excel. CSC 240 (Blum)
Save As a CSV file. CSC 240 (Blum)
Close the CSV and open it in Notepad. CSC 240 (Blum)
Replace “ with nothing. CSC 240 (Blum)
Save and open in Excel. Re-label columns and proceed similar to before. CSC 240 (Blum)