Feedback [a fresh perspective]
Feedback What do we mean by feedback?
Feedback What do we mean by feedback? Who do we want feedback off?
Feedback What do we mean by feedback? Who do we want feedback off? Our audience, our client, our peers
Feedback What do we mean by feedback? Who do we want feedback off? Why do we want feedback?
Feedback What do we mean by feedback? Who do we want feedback off? Why do we want feedback? To inform our work, and to help us to improve it. To see if we have met our audience / clients demands.
Feedback How can we get feedback?
Feedback How can we get feedback? -Showing it our audience -Showing it to your peers -Showing it to your executive producer -Showing it to your friends / family
Feedback How do we extract feedback from these people?
Feedback How do we extract feedback from these people? -1 to 1 questioning -Focus groups -Questionnaires -Online polls
Feedback Working in your groups you have 30 minutes to devise and print questionnaires.
Feedback Working in your groups you have 30 minutes to devise and print questionnaires. During your films showing this morning your test audience will fill these in.
Feedback Working in your groups you have 30 minutes to devise and print questionnaires. During your films showing this morning your test audience will fill these in. You will have the chance to answer their questions afterwards, and also to ask them questions.
Feedback Working in your groups you have 30 minutes to devise and print questionnaires. During your films showing this morning your test audience will fill these in. You will have the chance to answer their questions afterwards, and also to ask them questions. Think carefully about what you will need to know for your evaluative report.
TASK Working in your groups devise a questionnaire / set of questionnaires that will extract useful information about an audiences reaction to your docudrama. Print these off and think about what other questions you need to ask. You have 30 minutes from now.