Pine View School College Planning Night April 4th, 2018
An Introduction to College Planning Recent Junior Presentations and Handouts Our Website Tonight is an expanded presentation that includes many elements that I shared with students in recent meetings. As I told them the limitation on such a presentation is that some of you come with great knowledge, and along in this process. For others this is your first introduction. Regardless it’s okay. Beginning now students should be in a more active and engaged stage, learning and researching both colleges and the process. Our English teachers are also assisting in this as they have allowed them time to do research In your packet are copies of the items shared with students, tonight’s powerpoint, as well as several handouts we will be referencing. In addition the PVS college website is a tremendous resource that we strongly encourage you to visit. (I told them it would occupy you). All presentations (including various student forums) will be posted to the website.
Pine View College Resource Mission (Handout) Before we dig in I would like to share Mission Statement & Philosophy: In it you will find our goal which is to help each of our students find their best fit & to assure a successful process for all students. The notion of “fit” or “match” is one you will hear this over and over in this and subsequent forums. Highlight top and bottom two paragraphs.
Ethics and Responsibilities Ethics Statement and Student Responsibilities Another area identified as key in assuring our mission is the development of a Statement of Ethics. Four years ago a group was convened to look at college application process, culture and behaviors by Pine View students that appeared to work against our mission. The Statements of Ethics. Outlines a common set of expectations and guidelines. The Ethics Statement appears online and will be sent home in June, at which time we ask that you read and acknowledge your understanding of the statement. Several specific behaviors were effecting student outcomes (and still are). Overapplication to colleges that either were not realistic, viable, nor financially possible. An “every man for himself” attitude where 12-15, and in many cases 20+ applications were being submitted. In social psychology this is know as a social trap. Which punishes us perennially as a school. Two effects of this. One works at an individual level = Lower yield – less focus, diffused effort. Not able to show or know interest. The other: Colleges now use analytics that help them to determine the probability of student attendance; tracking contact and visits, other types of demonstrated interest, student and parent demographic data, AND historic data; specifically numbers of applications and acceptances to colleges. The long–term effects of PV students applying to some colleges and not accepting is obvious. Once again, please read. You will be sent a copy in May and asked to sign that you have read it. Student responsibilities- please allow students to be responsible for their own process, complete the applications, make the phone calls…
What Do Colleges Want? Factors in Admission Rigor of High School Coursework (and Focus) Overall High School GPA (weighted and unweighted) SAT or ACT Scores (SAT Subject Scores, if applicable)* A Standout Factor. Why you? Extracurricular Activities (depth v. breadth) Community Service/Volunteer Work Strong Personal Statement/Essay(s)* Letters of Recommendation (private and some public) Interview with Admissions (if optional, say yes!) Demonstrated interest in the University and program Let’s dig in. This is a slide I shared earlier with students and while it may seem obvious I do wish to make some distinctions regarding colleges and what they look for. As a general rule our public universities admissions are very heavily based on metrics and rigor. Protect your gpa, and be sure to have a challenging senior schedule. You should also show interest. Private colleges use metrics to keep an application on the table but make much finer distinctions Be true to your interests. Students job to challenge self (as all have as PV students). Part of mine is to convey to colleges the exceptional nature of our school, coursework and instruction.
College Research College Research Resources - Many, many links Naviance Student (SuperMatch and College Compare). Make use of Pine View specific data (Scattergrams) College fairs/representatives visiting Pine View Visit college campuses (take tours and meet with admissions)- see Visiting Colleges on the PVS website Alumni parents, teachers, former PV students
A Balanced and Manageable List Ideally no more than 8-10 2-3 Reach Schools 3-4 Target Schools 3 Safety Schools NACAC recommendation. Academic and financial.
Think Outside the Box $$ Visit Composing Your List on the PVS website Include colleges that offer merit aid opportunities! Target, target, target. Colleges That Change Lives Clark, Beloit, New College, Reed, Rhodes, Juniata, St. John’s… Fiske’s Best Buy 2018 and colleges that offer merit aid Private: Florida Southern, Drexel, Baylor, Cooper Union, Guilford Public: UF, McGill, NC State, Arizona State University, U of St. Andrews, U of Toronto Macalester, Grinnell, Kenyon…
Admissions Decision Plans – Plan ahead! Applying to College/Decision Plans FSU - November 1st UF - November 1st Other Florida publics (Roll) Out of State publics Early Decision I (binding) Restrictive Early Action (SC) Early Decision II (binding) Early Action Regular Decision (most January 1st (ish)) Rolling Admissions (apply early-scholarship priority)
Family Connection/Naviance Student Sign up is required of all Pine View students in order to request recommendations and deliver Pine View materials (transcripts, recommendations). This is separate process from your application Go to Log- in using your PV student N# and PIN and add your parents’ email to your account Students have been asked in guidance visits, English classes and in the sessions held recently. Parent accounts!
Naviance/Family Connection (Handouts) Assigned Tasks for guidance purposes only Complete Student Questionnaire (due April 27th) Answer Recommendation Prompts (April 27th) Colleges I’m Thinking About (before our meeting) A Personal Resume. Create a resume using the Resume Builder or upload one you already have (May 25th) Time to complete these and other college-related tasks will be given in Junior English classes as well Discussed in college sessions
Private College/University Applicants For most private college applications you will use what is known as the Common Application (700+) One to two teacher recommendations are required Guidelines for requesting teacher recommendations are on the PVS counseling website You will write one of seven Common App essays and likely several shorter supplements. (The 2018-19 CommonApp essay topics will remain the same) Please do not use the Coalition Application for applications other than Coalition-exclusive colleges
The Common Application (The CommonApp) You may create a 2018-19 Common App account early Go to and start thinking about your essay!
Teacher Recommendations (mostly private and some public universities/colleges) Ask teacher recommenders in advance (before summer) Guidelines/instructions for requesting teacher letters of recommendation are on the PVS counseling website (you will do so electronically through Naviance after the CommonApp opens in August) UF and FSU do not accept letters (as is true of other major publics). Some Florida public universities may accept letters of recommendation. NCF requires one Counselor recommendation Outside recommendations
State University System of Florida Students are encouraged to apply to one or more Florida public universities Refer to the 2017 SUS Matrix (handout) and specific admissions information (PVS website) Pay close attention to SUS timelines and requirements as they change year to year
Florida Schools 2017 Report (except where noted*) University of Florida - Gainesville (54,850/38,035UG) Single deadline November 1st (decision mid-Feb) You will use the Coalition Application to apply Must complete the SSAR (Academic self-report) Middle 50%: 4.3-4.6 GPA; 29-33 ACT; SAT 1300-1440* 40% of applicants accepted in 2017 72+% of Pine View applicants accepted to date* GPA, test scores and rigor very important. No letters. PaCE, Innovation, and SCF Gator Engineering Honors College – Must apply *Updated to reflect 2018 admissions
Florida Schools 2017 Report Florida State University – Tallahassee (41,867/32,669UG) November 1st early deadline - Notification date mid-January. Second deadline early February FSU now uses both the Coalition Application and SSAR aka Academic self-report Middle Range 3.9-4.3; ACT – 26-31; SAT 1270-1400 45% of total applicants were accepted in 2017 86% of 2018 Pine View applicants accepted to date* Students invited/apply to join honors program Students with high academic achievements automatically considered for scholarships
Bright Futures (2017-18) and Florida Academic Scholar Award - GPA (3.5), ACT (29) or SAT (1290-R&M only), Community Service hours (100) Florida Medallion Scholar Award– GPA (3.0), ACT (26) or SAT (1170-R&M only), Community Service hours (75) The FAS award is now 100% of tuition and $300/ semester in fees. Florida Medallion Scholars is the equivalent of 75% of tuition and $300/semester fees UF tuition and fees $6380 (total COA $21,210) FSU tuition and fees $6507 (COA $22,128) All students will be required to sign up for Bright Futures beginning in December 2018
Additional Information Additional information will be mailed home at the end of May, and will be posted online. This will include: The Statement of Ethics (to be read and signed) A Senior 2018-19 Timeline A Parent Questionnaire Instructions for matching your Naviance and Common Application accounts and requesting transcripts Deadlines for submission of final application lists (early October and mid-November) Please call Mrs. Manders for an appointment. Spring appointments are strongly suggested for early admission plans and special circumstances (military, athletic) and will begin in mid-April.
April through Summer 2018 – To Do List Research, visit, and compare colleges Narrow down college choices. Do not consider applying if you are not willing/able to attend. Match and Fit! Attend summer programs, work, volunteer. Keep busy! If applying to Common App schools begin the process Begin Florida public universities applications Look at essay prompts and begin writing Plan for any additional SAT/ACT testing Work on Community Service hours If using an outside counselor please share ALL Pine View materials with them (including the Statement of Ethics and deadlines)