Rules for Being Safe on the Internet for Kids Internet Safety Rules for Being Safe on the Internet for Kids
What Not To Do… Never give out personal information about yourself. If someone asks for personal information, tell a teacher or parent.
What Not To Do… Don’t ever give out your password to anyone. If someone asks for your password, inform them that your password is for your eyes only!
What Not To Do… Never agree to meet with anyone you meet on the Internet that you don’t know. Always check with your parents first to make sure it is safe.
What Not To Do… Never send your picture to anyone you met online. Always check with a parent or an adult before sending out anything to anyone.
What Not To Do… Never respond to any messages online that make you feel uncomfortable. Always ignore bad messages and show a parent or adult.
You Should Always… Talk with parents and set up rules for using the Internet. Decide things like when you can be on the Internet, the length of time you can be on the Internet and the places you can visit on the Internet.
You Should Always… Never download any software without telling your parents first. Be a good Internet citizen.
You Should Always… Be careful and never do anything that puts anyone else in danger. Be smart and make sure you aren’t doing anything that is against the law.
You Should Always… Take the time to help your parents learn things about the Internet and computers.