The State of Pneumococcal Disease Prevention
The Basics of Pneumococcal Disease
Risk Factors for Pneumococcal Disease
Predictors of Death
Serotypes and Deaths
Percentage of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Caused by Serotypes in 3 Pneumococcal Vaccines
Efficacy of Vaccines to Prevent IPD
PPV Efficacy Against Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Clinical Trials*
Vaccine Effectiveness in Older Adults
Cochrane Analysis 2013 PPSV
Changes in IPD Incidence by Age Group 1996-2007 (CDC Active Bacterial Core Surveillance)
Changes in IPD Incidence by Serotype Group Among Children Ages <5 Years
Changes in IPD Incidence by Serotype Group Among Adults Ages >65 Years
ACIP Recommendations for Use of PPSV and PCV 2012
ACIP Recommendations for Use of PPSV and PCV (Cont)
Pneumococcal Vaccine Coverage 2012
CAPiTA Study
References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)