Do Now Turn notebook to a new page Take out worksheet from yesterday Then make a new notes title: Nationalism
Nationalism Nationalism is a belief that: Your nation should rule itself. Your nation should have full control of its traditional homeland. Your nation should be strong and act in its own interests. People of your nation should be devoted to the nation.
Nationalism Nationalism was first identified as a phenomenon in Europe around 1800 with the French Revolution and later Napoleon in France Other nations would soon identify themselves and by 1920, nationalist movements had appeared in almost every region of the world.
Nationalism Nationalism generally has 2 goals: Unite and strengthen your nation Remove all foreign influences
Nationalism Nationalism tended to have 3 good effects: Uniting nations into one nation-state Splitting up empires into many nation states Encouraging democracies
Nationalism Nationalism also has a dark side. Forced assimilation of minority cultures Encouraging war between nations Extreme nationalism and ethnic cleansings
Assignment: We will be reading a set of primary documents. Your job is to read the document and explain why that is an example of nationalism. You will also be asked another question for each document that is aimed towards how nationalism affects people and society.