Common Planning Time Meeting July 5, 2016 7:50-8:50 a.m.
COMMUNITY BUILDER “I’m In” Check-In and Share out Nunez
Setting the Context Purpose: To engage in collaborative professional learning to enhance teaching practice Outcome: Common Planning with content/subject alike teachers (scope and sequence, common instructional strategies, common grouping, etc.) Cazares
Name It, Claim It and Explain It Barragan
Name It, Claim It and Explain It
Common Planning Time Exit Slip at 8:50 a.m. Lopez
Announcements 7/12/16- CPT Next Meeting 7/13/16 Mid-term Grades Due by 7:30. Reminders Rollbook/Gradebook 1 assignment for every 5 hours of instruction per student Hats, Cell Phones, Headphone & Dress Code Chronic Absent/Tardy Students-Referral to Counselor Nunez and Barragan
Lopez-What were we today?