Welcome to Coolidge Middle School Grade 6 Parent “Move Up Night”
Introductions Sarah Marchant, Principal Brie Karow, Assistant Principal Julie Lascher, Team Explorer Team Leader Mollie Pelletier, Team Voyager Team Leader
Needs & Characteristics of Young Adolescents Physical Intellectual Emotional Social
The Middle Years… Emotional and Physical Changes Need to be accepted by peers and adults Exploratory… Students beginning to find out who they are. Intellectual… Learning about the world and their place within
When Their Needs are Taken Care of, Students are Best Able to Learn
How we address these needs… Staffing: Our staff understand and appreciate the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of students during this time of life. They are passionate about nurturing and educating students through this challenging time. The importance of making connections.
How we address these needs… Smaller communities of learning (Teams) Teams of teachers meet regularly to discuss students, program, coordination All academic classes/lockers in clusters School within a school Support structures are in place so that no student falls through the cracks emotionally or academically (Leadership Team; Student Support Team)
Perseverance Accountability Respect Teamwork At our Foundation: Coolidge Community Core Values ALL community members are “PART” of our values! Perseverance Accountability Respect Teamwork
Move-up Day! Teams vs. Groups vs. ELA teachers…. Oh my!
Today, your child came home… As a member of a team (Voyager or Explorer) As a member of group (number 61 – 66)
6th grade (130ish students) Team Explorer: Groups 61 & 62 Share the same 4 Explorer teachers Team Voyager: Groups 63, 64, 65, 66 Share 4 of 5 Voyager teachers.
Sixth Grade Teacher Teams Team Explorer Ms. Lascher, Team Leader & ELA Mr. Smith, Math Mr. Bernard, Social Studies Ms. Walsh, Science Team Voyager Ms. Conry, Math Ms. Jacobsmeier, Social Studies Mr. Simpson, ELA (groups 63 & 66) or Mr. Henerberry, ELA (groups 64 & 65) Ms. Pelletier, Science & Team Leader
Other 6th Grade Staff Special Education Teachers: Roisin Munson, Learning Center Tara Herlihy & Alanna Shone, Connections Program Megan Nelson & Nikole Pendleton, Crossroads Program Jessica Lozzi, Therapeutic Support Program
Other 6th Grade Staff Student Support Staff Team Discovery Teachers Marlene Lifshin, School Counselor Laura Vance, School Psychologist Rachel Herman, School Psychologist Team Discovery Teachers Art, Music, Band, Chorus, Wellness, Library/Media, Technology
Daily Schedule/ General 7:15 a.m.: Doors Open (Students may go into cafeteria or receive extra help from teachers, if available) 7:40: Students dismissed from cafe to go to lockers/ homerooms 7:48: Warning bell 7:50 (late bell) - 8:12 a.m.: Homeroom/ Advisory/ WIN Block 10:40 – 11:10 a.m.: Grade 6 Lunch 2:30 p.m.: Dismissal
Grade 6 Program Daily schedule: six day rotation (Day 1 through Day 6). Classes meet at different times each day. Each period is 50 minutes long (including travel time). No bells between periods. Students catch on quickly (adults take longer).
Grade 6 Program (Per 6 Day Cycle) English Language Arts: two periods each day Math, Science, & Social Studies: one period each day Wellness (PE): one period every other day Band/Chorus/Enrichment: one period every other day Art & Music: one period every other day (for one semester each) “Team Time” Periods: two periods per cycle Library/Media: one period per cycle
Example of a 6th Grade Schedule 7:50 – 8:12: Homeroom/ Advisory 8:15 – 9:00: Art 9:00 – 9:50: ELA1 9:50 – 10:40: Enrichment (i.e. band/chorus) 10:40 – 11:10: Lunch 11:10 – 12:00: ELA2 12:00 – 12:50: Math 12: 50 – 1:40: Social Studies 1:40 – 2:30: Science
Homeroom Advisory & WIN (What I Need) 7:50-8:12 a.m. daily All students are assigned a “Homeroom” of 10-12 students with one teacher. They check in every day, and then move on to… Monday – Tuesday: What I Need (organization, Mindfulness, time for reading) (small or large group) Wednesday – Friday: Advisory in “Homeroom” group.
After School Activities Math Team Science Olympiad Team Musical (Theater) Student Council EQUAL Club Yearbook (8th grade) Chime Choir Select Chorus
Additional After-School Activities (Sponsored by the PTO) (Examples) Dodge Ball Drop the Bass: Acapella Minecraft Whatever the kids want!
After - School Homework Support Teachers (as available) Library Open Until 3:45 (no cost) (Monday-Thursday; not on Early Release days) “HPR” (no cost) TBD: Homework Hangout (minor cost)
Common Concerns of Incoming Students Changing for gym Getting lost More homework “Bullying” Detention Lockers/Locks Will I be with friends? Are the teachers nice?
Helpful for the transition... Family Math & Science Night (done!) Move-up Day (today!) “Welcome to Coolidge” Summer Program (August 21 – 23) Summer Visits Hang out with friends from new group.
Future Events “Welcome to Coolidge” program 21 – 23 (8 – 10 or 10:30 – 12:30 sessions) August 29: First Day of School September 12: “Back to School” Evening Open House for Parents October: Daytime Open House
Communication/ Involvement Coolidge website Plus Portal: homework, grades, report cards, some communication Phone Calls/ Email Team Meetings
We Need Parents! PTO: School Council Volunteer Opportunities Direct donation ($100) School Council Volunteer Opportunities
Coolidge PTO President: Bob Alfieri Vice President: Michele Malley Co-Treasurers: Linda Kiene & Laura Santini Secretary: Melissa Gresch Meet once a month to support and plan
Coolidge School Council Meet once per month: the first Thursday of each month (3:00 – 4:00) Topics: School Improvement Plan; School Handbook; parent – school connectedness; parent input on school events/ issues/ topics.
Parenting in Middle School Stay Involved Partner with the School/ Communicate with the school Talk with your children about technology and cell phone use, and monitor closely Communicate with other parents / Network Support Core Values at home and school
For further information… Contact Principal Sarah Marchant at sarah.marchant@reading.k12.ma.us Coolidge Website: reading.k12.ma.us/coolidge The mission of Coolidge Middle School is to create a challenging and respectful environment for all students and to provide the varied experiences necessary for becoming confident, independent learners.