Folk vs. Pop Culture and globalization
Rural Living in the country, or not densely populated areas
Urban City life, living in densely populated areas
Folk Culture Practiced by small, normally isolated groups in rural areas More local culture Also the more traditional aspects of society Regionalism
Popular Culture Found in large, urban areas where everybody shares certain characteristics Newer ideas in society More global culture Homogenous?
Folk Music Music passed down over generations, traditional, not really made to make a lot of money Popular only in isolated communities
Pop Music Music made to be sold to large amounts of people, usually made in a studio and popular with young artists
Pop or folk music?
Do you think folk cultures are growing or shrinking around the world? Should folk cultural traits be preserved? What can be done to preserve folk cultures?
Cultural Imperialism Many local, folk cultures feel their values are threatened by globalization Values—Beliefs that are important to a group of people Cultural Imperialism—When pop culture threatens local values
Placelessness Cultural landscapes with no distinctive regional personality
Cultural Revitalization/Preservation Some folk cultures are becoming “revitalized” (strengthened, gaining more recognition) Ex. Basques, South Africa, Native Americans Some national governments recognize two or more national languages (helps folk languages continue) Social media allows people from isolated cultures to stay connected Devolution—Government gives more authority to regions within a country
Ethnonationalism/Cultural Nationalism Ethnonationalism—An extreme form of nationalism (pride in a specific group)
Build a culture You will now build a country, telling me about different aspects of your culture. Take a sheet of paper and fold it three ways hamburger style 1st page: Country name and flag 2nd page: A part of pop culture and a part of folk culture 3rd page: 2 main religions in your country 4th page: 2 main ethnicities in your country (these should match your religions) 5th page: Linguistic groups in your country 6th page: 2 foods eaten in your country