National Family Support Network 11.11.14 01/02/2011 National Family Support Network 11.11.14
The Model and the Method The experience of family members in the research was very familiar Certain nuances but overall a picture of similarity Non-judgmental, non-pathologising, non-directive, empowering, pragmatic and just for family members a simple model to help understand better what was going on: a model that was developed directly from the things that family members have said. A huge similarity in the experience of family members Firstly I would like to say how delighted the FSN was to come across this particular model. This model developed by the ADF group in the UK is a non-judgemental and non-blaming view of families living with substance misuse. While this may be seen as the most natural starting point for those of us in the room unfortunately this has not always been the case. Some of you may have experienced more pathologising models or frameworks over your lifetime where families living with substance misuse have been viewed as dyfunctional or lacking in certain ways. You may have experienced models where the family has been seen to cause the addiction. This is reflected in throwaway phrases such as “She drove him to drink”. This has most often been the case relating to women and wives and mothers particularly. The stress-strain-coping support model is different and views addiction as a similarly stressful experience to other common long-term chronic problems or issues such as unemployment or long-term illnesses like cancer. The idea is that long-term chronic stressors create strain whereby coping strategies inevitably are developed in response and support is looked for either from informal or formal sources. The researchers recognise that while addiction is similar to other issues there are specific elements to this experience to warrant it’s own model. : about the users changeable moods, or their aggression, or their violence, or their disruption of family or social occasions, or the impact on the family’s finances or of their worries over the users failing health. : their sleep is disturbed, or their eating is disrupted or they develop headaches or gastric problems that if they get more support (of the right type: i.e. that they find supportive), then it becomes easier to bear the problems resulting from living in this type of environment. KEY ASPECTS AND PRINCIPLES OF THE 5-STEP METHOD The method is focussed on affected and concerned family members The method takes a view of family members as ordinary people attempting to respond to highly stressful experiences The method is very flexible and adaptable to a range of settings and circumstances The orientation of the person delivering the 5-Step Method is very important 2
Working in Partnership Is it possible to train members of the FSN to a standard that they could then go on to deliver the 5-Step Method training? How many would it be possible to train in that way? Would you be able to come to Ireland to deliver that training? How long would that take? How much would that cost? If we were to go on to deliver the 5-step method training here what quality standards would we need to have in place? How long does it take to train people in the method? Would participants need to have certain qualifications or experience before they could do the training? Would people be certified in the method after receiving the training? Would they need to provide evidence to you of completion of the training? Would they need to record or do a number of interventions using the method and feed this back? What are the costs associated with delivering this training? Do people normally pay a contribution to cover the costs to do this training? What are the actions that would need to be taken in order to deliver the training? What are the numbers of trainees per year? How will the programme be evaluated? How much for consultant costs including travel etc? How much for the evaluation? How much for ongoing evaluations? How many sessions – cost implications? Will you need to do a training needs analysis? Will there be costs for materials? How does it improve the long-term employability of trainees? How does it add value through collaboration with relevant stakeholders? How does the training demonstrate innovative methodologies? 3
Working in Partnership Shared Values Reaching family members Supporting family members Providing a quality service Increasing worker & volunteer confidence Becoming self-sustaining Measuring effectiveness and continued learning Firstly I would like to say how delighted the FSN was to come across this particular model. This model developed by the ADF group in the UK is a non-judgemental and non-blaming view of families living with substance misuse. While this may be seen as the most natural starting point for those of us in the room unfortunately this has not always been the case. Some of you may have experienced more pathologising models or frameworks over your lifetime where families living with substance misuse have been viewed as dyfunctional or lacking in certain ways. You may have experienced models where the family has been seen to cause the addiction. This is reflected in throwaway phrases such as “She drove him to drink”. This has most often been the case relating to women and wives and mothers particularly. The stress-strain-coping support model is different and views addiction as a similarly stressful experience to other common long-term chronic problems or issues such as unemployment or long-term illnesses like cancer. The idea is that long-term chronic stressors create strain whereby coping strategies inevitably are developed in response and support is looked for either from informal or formal sources. The researchers recognise that while addiction is similar to other issues there are specific elements to this experience to warrant it’s own model. 4
Benefits to Family Members Increase availability of family support service provision across the country (range of professionals) A structured intervention that has been developed to meet their needs The use of an evidence based intervention with proven results for reducing stress and strain Working with people who are confident in their use of the intervention Using resources that are relevant and designed specifically for them 5
Benefits to Services Having a service to offer family members Providing a quality service – consistency, quality control measures, measure outcomes Increasing worker & volunteer confidence – getting feedback on your sessions, being assessed The opportunity to engage with FMs, build relationships and respond to additional needs FMs become an integral element in the provision of services and in supporting the drug using family member Financial investment is not large Due to a self-sustaining – Irish framework it is not as vulnerable to staff turnover 6
5-Step Method & National Policy 23/03/2010 Recommendations of Report of Working Group on Rehabilitation (May 2007): Recommendations 4.2 Service providers should be trained to deal with families who are trying to cope with drug-related problems of a family member. Families should be seen as service users in their own right, given that they often have a direct role in the recovery process. Information, support and advice should be made available to parents (and others as appropriate) who are coping with a family members drug misuse. Family members need to informed in a timely manner of the different stages of the recovery process. The potential of the involvement of the family in supporting drug users should be utilised.
5-Step Method & National Policy 23/03/2010 National Drugs Strategy (2009 – 2016) Action 29 Develop a series of prevention measures that focus on the family under the following programme headings: supports for families experiencing difficulties due to drug/alcohol use; targeted measures focusing on the children of problem drug and/or alcohol users aimed at breaking the cycle and safeguarding the next generation. Report of the National Substance Misuse Working Group (Feb 2012) Action 12 Develop a comprehensive outcomes and evidence-based approach to addressing the needs of children and families experiencing alcohol dependency problems. This would involve a whole-family approach, including the provision of supports and services directly to children where necessary. Action 14 Develop family support services, including: Access to information about addiction and the recovery process for family members; Peer-led family support groups to help families cope with problematic drinking; Evidence-based family and parenting skills programmes;
The Future of 5-Step in Ireland Training 110 trained Working with those 110 to submit their tapes A waiting list already for future training and Siobhan from the NFSN was taking further names this morning Training further assessors Collaborating with other organisations to roll out training with their groups – Pavee Point, Social Workers, FRCs Research FMQ – Pre and post assessment – Collate the Irish FMQs to measure effectiveness of intervention in Ireland Measuring effectiveness and continued learning – what are the outcomes for FMs in Ireland? How can we adapt and improve on what we do? Greater engagement with FMs builds our understanding over potential research gaps in this area 9
A Vision for Family Support in Ireland History Maintaining peer leadership Where we are now? Peer led family support groups A National Family Support Network Recognition of the need to support FMs in their own right & an evidence based intervention to achieve that Recognition of the need and benefits of including FMs in their relative’s rehabilitation & evidence based interventions to support that Addressing the additional needs of FMs Parenting supports available, if required, for drug users Where to from here? Growing recognition and planning in terms of addressing the needs of children affected by parental substance misuse NDRIC – Assessments, care plans and training E.U. Leaders – Reporting on our work 10
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Marie Conor The Snug Counselling Service
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Paul Browne Ballymun Family Support Service
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Breda Fell South East Regional Family Support Network
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Sadie Grace National Family Support Network
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Ger Hanlon Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Community Addiction Team
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Michael Mason DAISH Project, Bray
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Gwen McKenna North East Region Family Support Network
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Liam Oloughlin – Western Region Drug & Alcohol Task Force
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Megan O’Leary National Family Support Network
5-Step Method Accredited Trainer Siobhan Maher National Family Support Network
01/02/2011 Questions and Answers National Family Support Network, 5 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1 (01) 898 0148