Unit #1 – Age of Absolutism Lesson #4 – EASTERN EUROPE (497-505)
Rise of Moscow What was the impact of the Mongol control over the “house of Rus” for so long? Why do you think Ivan III got the title” Ivan the Great”? Was he really that “good”? Why do Russian kings call themselves Tsar (Czar is also OK)?
Ivan the Terrible King in 1533 at age 3 Took power from advisors 15 years later Why would he crown himself and have coins cascading over his head at this coronation? He was pretty nasty, but that’s not how he got his name… it’s more like “terrifying” What do you think he did to earn the title “TERRIBLE”? John Green – 3m Biography - 3m
Michael Romanov After 30 years (TIME OF TROUBLES) Why (how) is he so significant? (first Czar of the last Russian ruling dynasty) Not involved with palace intrigue Russia would later take Ukraine from Poland. Relate today – how has Czarist Russia affected current events in Europe?
Peter the Great A giant of a man – 7’ and powerful What does the fate of his siblings (Ivan and Sophia) say about Peter? How is he Machiavellian? What made his trip to Europe unique? 5m
Great Norther War 1700-1721 Why is a warm water port so important? What does this continued war say about how Peter would rule over his masses? Describe St. Petersburg. Peter modernized the military, judicial system, cut the beards… why?
This war would change both Russia and Sweden indefinitely.
Ottoman Empire Tolerant Pay tribute Pay 1000-3000 Slavic people (slavs)/year Janissaries Millet system – autonomous religious sections
Ottoman Empire What was the effect of the Ottoman Empire on the rest of Europe? What was its influence? One famous guy: Vlad 5m