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Presentation transcript:


Yellow River

Instutute of Modern Physics, CAS Heavy-Ions based research center in China. 744 staffs,30~45 M $/y research budget.

Isochronous mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at CSRe [RIBF-ULIC-Symposium-009] Physics of Rare-RI Ring, 10-12 Nov. 2011, RIKEN Isochronous mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at CSRe Yu-Hu Zhang Institute of Modern Physics, CAS 11 Nov. 2011, RIKEN, Japan

Outline Introduction Experiments at CSRe and data analysis [RIBF-ULIC-Symposium-009] Physics of Rare-RI Ring, 10-12 Nov. 2011, RIKEN Outline Introduction Experiments at CSRe and data analysis Results & Discussion Summary

1. Introduction Please refer to the invited talks of Klaus Blaum (MPI) Meng WANG (CSNSM) Hans Geissel (GSI)

2. Experiments at CSRe and data analysis Layout of HIRFL-CSR complex in IMP SSC SFC CSRe ECR RIBLL2 RIBLL1 CSRm

ToF Principle of mass measurement in CSRe Injection Isochronous Mass Spectrometry (IMS mode) Low production yield and short-lived nuclides.

Experiments at CSRe 78Kr + 9Be Time detector gt=1.395  368 MeV/u

Procedure of Data analysis Ions Identification Signals in Oscilloscope Simultion. Exp. P2

78Kr beam: Revolution Time Spectrum Nuclides for Calibration: Unknown masses are determined via extropolation

58Ni beam: Revolution Time Spectrum Fe-49 V-43 Mn-47 Cu-55

Some techniques in the data analysis 1) Magnetic field drift 2) Amplitude-ion identification 3) Extrapolation 4) Interpolation

1) Magnetic Field Drift (78Kr beam) 53Co g.s plus 53Co (3.2MeV isomer)

Ref. Time Shift Correction Ref. Ref.

Corrected revolution time spectrum GSI meth. S 3 min. No Correction IMP meth. m/∆m≈1.7x105 53Co isomer E*=3174.3(1.0)keV,(20ps difference)

Experiment: 58Ni beam Dec. 2010 Feb. 2011 Magnetic field stability was improved Dec. 2010 Feb. 2011

58Ni beam: Revolution Time Spectrum Sum of 760 sub-spectra, each of which includes ~100 spills 34Ar, 51Co: same m/q

2) Ion-amplitude identification: 51Co

3) Extrapolation (78Kr beam) Nuclides for Calibration:

4) Interpolation (58Ni beam) Nuclides for Calibration:

3. Results and Discussion Tz=-1/2, ( 78Kr Beam) Tz= -1, -3/2, ( 58Ni Beam)

Waiting point nucleus 64Ge ?

Waiting point nucleus 64Ge ? Sp(65As) = -90 (85) keV 2s Effective half-life of 64Ge Light curve of Type I x-ray burst 1s 89%–90% of the reaction flow passes through 64Ge via proton capture indicating that: 64Ge is not a significant rp-process waiting point. Abundance of burst ashes

Precise mass data of astrophysics interest 43V 47Mn 65As PRC79,045802 (2009)

Q-values for the(p, g)reactions of astrophysics interest

Nuclear Physics:test CDE calculations

Nuclear Physics:test the mass of 69Br Sp(69Br) = -785 (35) keV

Coulomb energy differences between mirror nuclei 8 14 Sp(69Br) = -785 (35) keV ? Anything new ? d5/2 20 s1/2+d3/2 28 f7/2 p3/2 f5/2

Nuclear Physics:test IMME in 1f7/2 shell N=Z IAS + perturbation

Nuclear Physics:test IMME in 1f7/2 shell M (53Ni; gs) ? M (53Co; IAS) ? IMME broken ?

4. Summary & persperctives 78Kr, 58Ni fragmentation 13 10 65As: waiting point Sp(69Br)=-785(35) ? 2. 53Ni: IMME ? 43V,47Mn: XRBs ?

Previous time Detectors In progress Previous time Detectors IMS: double ToF SMS method Two Time Detectors Schottky Pick-up

Exp. scheduled in Feb. 2012 Tz= -2 ( 58Ni Beam)

International collaborations:

Thank you for your attention and welcome you to visit IMP, Lanzhou