6th World Water Forum March 2012, Marseilles, France


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Presentation transcript:

6th World Water Forum 12-17 March 2012, Marseilles, France

THE WORLD WATER COUNCIL International organization created in 1995 based in Marseille, France. A voice for the international water community, representing all stakeholders and sectors Gathers nearly 400 member organizations from approximately 70 countries Think-Tank for the development of global water resources policies Organizes the World Water Forum every 3 years in partnership with a host country and city

THE WORLD WATER FORUM The world’s largest water event Objectives: Gather all stakeholders together to debate questions related to water, its management and access Formulate concrete proposals and encourage action and solutions Solicit true and lasting political commitment A platform for debates and exchange on questions that are relevant for improved water management and access to water supply and sanitation An open and constructive place for discussion

The Forum is organised every three years by the World Water Council and the host city. 2000 The Hague, Netherlands 2009 Istanbul, Turkey 2003 Kyoto, Japan 1997 Marrakech, Morocco 2006 Mexico City, Mexico

THE 6TH WORLD WATER FORUM In Marseille in March 2012 Organizers: France, represented by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Ministry of Ecology and the City of Marseille The World Water Council France and Marseille Strong political commitment A candidature combining energy from the local level to the highest decision-making level Highlighting specific capacities and a water culture A strong will to federate all stakeholders and encourage action

A FORUM OF SOLUTIONS Prefering for action over theoretical discourse and debates Encouraging lasting concrete commitments through a follow-up mechanism Involving wide participation (in the spirit of the «Grenelle» French model) Creating true mobilization of citizens in a friendly, festive and popular atmosphere

Time for solutions Examples of possible solutions : Governments agree to initiate an intergovernmental process on water and prepare a resolution for Rio+20 1,000 schools in Africa are equipped with basic sanitation facilities Creation of a « World Water Parliament » 100 scholarships for « Water Innovation » are offered to students throughout the world 1,000 cities sign the Istanbul Water Consensus

Communication Laws Technical Governance Loi n°2011-156 du 7 février 2011 relative à la solidarité dans les domaines de l'alimentation en eau et de l'assainissement Communication Laws Technical Governance

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES French National Committee World Water Council International Forum Committee - IFC Political Process Commission Regional Process Commission Thematic Process Commission Grassoots and Citizens Commission 6th Forum Secretariat

A FORUM FOR THE CAUSE OF WATER Solutions are first and foremost of a political nature and must be found by reinforcing dialogue between: Governments Parliamentarians Local Authorities Intergovernmental Organisations / United Nations NGOs / Civil Society / Users Professionals / Scientists / Experts Public and Private Companies

The Four Preparation Processes Political process: mobilize stakeholders to make water a top priority in the local and global political agendas  Thematic process: mobilize stakeholders to enable the emergence of targets, solutions and actual commitments Regional Process: mobilize regional partners to implement and reinforce action in the world’s large regions Grassroots and citizens process: mobilize youth and civil society to raise the awareness on a large scale

Thank you! www.worldwaterforum6.org