Objectives To understand the about types of computer network


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Presentation transcript:

Objectives To understand the about types of computer network To understand the internet To find out what equipment needed to get connected To find out what can we do with the internet To understand about web browing

Computer networks A computer network can be created by connecting two or more computers together

Types of computer network There are two types of network Local Area Network (LAN) A small computer Network that cover small area such as home, office or even a small building Wide Area Network (WAN) A big computer Network that cover large geographical area such as a small country.

LAN network use in School Computer Lab and Home Local Area Network LAN network use in School Computer Lab and Home

Wide Area Network By Connecting a lot of LAN together, We can form a bigger network call WAN Network A WAN Network is also known as the “INTERNET”

Internet The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. That means all computer network around the world are connected together to form a very big network we called “Internet”.

What do we need to be connected? To do that we will need A working computer A working Telephone line A working internet connection provided by ISP Network Cables A Modem

What can we do on the internet? Browse Websites for information Send and receive emails Download media files (Music and Videos) Online Shopping Social networking Create websites or blog Online communications Reading OnlineNews And more etc…

Browsing websites To browse or surf the internet to access WebPages we would need Web Browser. Examples of popular web browsers are Internet explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Opera

The WWW (World Wide Web) This WWW is a web server which contain websites. A website is a group of web pages A Webpage can contain information such as text, images, videos and sounds.

URL(Uniform Resource Locator) Each website will have its special address or URL. Example http://news.bbc.co.uk URLs will have the format 'http' and a domain (such as .uk)

Hyperlink We can navigate websites by clicking on a Hyperlink By clicking Hyperlink, it will lead user to another webpage.

Summary Types of network LAN (Small network) and WAN (Big network) Internet – Network connecting millions of computer together The Equipment needed to get connected Web browser needed to surf WebPages WWW is a server that contain websites URL is an unique address of a webpage When clicking on a hyperlink, it will lead user to another webpage or site

http://news.bbc.co.uk Practical exercises Try navigating and read some Open up Your Web browser and type this URL at the address bar http://news.bbc.co.uk Try navigating and read some News from that website.

Class work (Copy down) Question and Answers Q1.What is the internet? Q2.What can we do with the internet? Q3.What equipment do we need to connect to the internet? Q4.What do we use to look at websites? Q5.What is the differences between a website and a webpage? Q6.What is a URL ? Q7.What is a hyperlink?