Natura 2000 dataflow & Standard data forms Habitats Committee Brussels, 3 October 2013
Deadline for submitting national Natura 2000 databases in 2013 31 October 2013 (for EU-wide database, Natura 2000 Viewer, annual statistics & Union List 2014)
New QA/QC reports (Quality assurance / quality control) First QA/QCs submitted to Member States in September 2013, based on end-of-2012 databases EEA currently works on further automatizing (objective: rapid feedback on Reportnet (.xml)) 2014: further improvements to the content of the report (incl. comparison between spatial and tabular area data)
Natura 2000 software New version of the software available for download ( Additional function for printing pdfs for individual sites habitat types & species added / EU accession of Croatia A request for those using the software: please submit the database both in .xml and .mdb format