Democratic Ideals in the Founding Documents
Concepts Limited government, natural rights, popular sovereignty, republicanism, social contract. Declaration of Independence provides a foundation for popular sovereignty. Constitution provides blueprint for American government.
Declaring Independence Probably authored mostly by Thomas Jefferson (but maybe Thomas Paine). Provides the foundation for popular sovereignty. Combines natural rights, the social contract theory, and limited government.
Natural Rights “Life Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Limited Government “to secure these rights . . . governments are instituted among men. . . .” Social Contract Theory “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
Framing a Government The Constitution lays out the plan by which the United States government will operate. It creates a republic.
Republican Decisions made by representa- tives elected by the citizens and the states. Federal A central government, sharing power with (but superior to) smaller, state governments. Democratic Parties have an equal say in the decision-making progress.
Intent of the Founders Why?
Nationalist Era (Before 20th c.) Founders were demi-gods. Exceptional men who lived at the same time. This was not a coincidence. Divine intervention caused these men to come together to write a Constitution.
Charles Beard - 1913 Founders were elitists. They wrote the Constitution to protect their own interests. The Constitution benefits the wealthy at the expense of the people.
Richard Hofstadter / John Roche (c. 1948) Pragmatic View. Founders were politicians. They had to write something they could sell to the people back home. They made deals and compromises everyone could live with.