DGP Week of April 26, 2010
Directions for DGP this week Day One – Copy each of the three sentences and label every word with its correct part of speech: Noun – proper or common Verb – linking, helping, or action Pronoun – if it’s possessive – label it as such Adverb Adjective Preposition Conjunction – coordinating or subordinating Interjection
Day Two Determine the sentence structure for each of the 3 sentences and write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) for each sentences explaining why you have decided upon the structure you listed. Be specific in your discussion including pertinent details like subject/verb pairs, signal words, etc. Sentence Structures: Simple Complex Compound Compound/Complex
Day Three Choose one of the three sentences and diagram it on your own. After you have diagrammed the sentence, write a short paragraph (3-4 sentences) describing the format of your diagram and explaining why you have placed the words of the sentence in the order or in the places on the diagram that you have chosen.
Sentences. The ice on the river melts quickly under the warm March sun. Today at school Mr. Moore brought in his pet rabbit, and he showed it to the class. The package arrived in the morning, but the courier left before I could check the contents.
Due Date All work is to be done in your Writer’s Notebook and will be turned in on Thursday. The final grade that you earn will count as a quiz grade. All work must be done neatly and legibly. While you will be given a few minutes at the beginning of each class period this week to begin, you will need to complete the parts of this assignment at home as well. A late grade will not be accepted.
Grading Rubric POS labeled correctly in each sentence (10 pts per sentence) Correct Structure Chosen for each sentence Paragraphs for sentence structure choices describe the correct process in grammatical terms (10 pt per sent) Each sentence has been diagrammed with relative correctness Paragraphs for sentence diagrams describes the correct relationship for the words within the sentences. 30 pts t 10 pts 30 pts 10 pts total 20 pts total 100 point quiz grade possible