How many of the following symbols can you identify? Done? Define “Symbol” or “Symbolism” in your own words.
Can you identify these symbols?
The Power of Symbolism Focus Question: How might a symbol help to incite a riot in Toronto Ontario 1933?
Symbol: Something, such as a letter, figure, or other character or mark used for or regarded as representing something else. Often something immaterial; emblem, token, or sign. ( 2012) Symbolism: the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. ( 2012)
Focus Question: How might this symbol have helped to incite a riot in Toronto, Ontario in 1933?
Toronto, Ontario 1930s
Willowvale Park now known as Christie Pits (Bloor & Christie) Giles Hodge: What Happened at Christie Pits that August night in 1933?
Radio Broadcast It is early in the morning of 17th of August 1933 Radio report is due in ½ hour to inform the public of the events that occurred the night before at Willowvale Park. Eyewitnesses accounts Sound effects CRBC Jingle 1-2 product endorsements Annie 1:41