Raj Shah Nicholas Poindexter Andrew Kurland Trevor Ross EGN 1935 Three White Guys and a Brown Guy present . . . Spring 2016 Raj Shah Nicholas Poindexter Andrew Kurland Trevor Ross
Summary: Member Biography Robot Story Team Conclusions
Raj FRESHMAN Computer Hardware Engineering Always Computer Hardware Engineering This class has shown me how coding and hardware go hand in hand, an aspect of my major I am really excited for. I’m currently on Gator Motorsports, and I plan to be more involved in other organizations such as IEEE. I have no set career goals, but maybe something in security or analysis. “If you don’t fail, I guess you’ll do okay.” RAJ SHAH NICHOLAS POINDEXTER ANDREW KURLAND TREVOR ROSS
Nick FRESHMAN Electrical Engineering Always Electrical This class has shown me how awesome my major is. This class was awesome and showed me that I really want to get more involved in electrical engineering projects! “I like to make money, get turnt.” RAJ SHAH NICHOLAS POINDEXTER ANDREW KURLAND TREVOR ROSS
Andrew FRESHMAN Mechanical Engineering Used to be Biomedical Engineering This class has shown me how to be a good team member and submit my work on time. I also learned how to be a responsive teammate and a good communicator. I am looking for a career in Engineering. “If you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will always go on believing it is stupid. I identify with most fish.” RAJ SHAH NICHOLAS POINDEXTER ANDREW KURLAND TREVOR ROSS
Trevor FRESHMAN Industrial and Systems Engineering Previously Aerospace I've learned a lot about what goes into making an initial project a final product. I'd like to get more involved with engineering clubs and projects while at UF. I want to start my own engineering consulting firm after a few years of experience in the field. “Do all of your work, there will always be another party. Go to every football game and don't stress. It'll all workout.” RAJ SHAH NICHOLAS POINDEXTER ANDREW KURLAND TREVOR ROSS
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Life is short. Eat dessert first. CONCLUSION